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Everything posted by jazzben81

  1. true percula damn hard to find. do update us ! thanks!
  2. too bad i dont go for FOWLR. mantis shrimp should be kept with predators etc... like lionfish.. but like their colours. gd luck
  3. tts ridiculously ex. for wrought iron 4 ft. wrought iron stand got gold dust ar.. hahah
  4. mantis? hmm same as those mantis shrimps tt are 'killers' to reef and fishes?
  5. care to give the parameters of ur tank?
  6. asthetic wise =slightly more 'nice' when choosing 12mm compare to 10mm of coz any1 would take the 12mm if the price margin is slightly higher.... however for my case. im on a budget. to me: a chinese saying goes : to kill a chicken , y use a cow knife? hehe as long as the tank holds. theres no diff to me. cheers. worksmanship wise for my tank is good for me . service excellent. price wise:best i can find at tt time. the tank maker real name is gerald. i know him in arofantics forum. nice guy. first time we met up, he brought me to a customer place and show me the customer tank and of coz the beautiful marine set-up the customer has. well compared to looking at photos only, when u purchase a tank frm any LFS. i feel better looking the actual tank in person. one thing to note: the tanks are from malaysia. glass : japan glass. (though u wouldnt noe even if u buy from somewhere who says of how branded their silicon or glass are.) what matters to me is to see a sample of their work in person. note kelantan lane tank maker though make cheap tanks. but they make tank only. and dont think they do deliveries according to tt time i call up. worksmanship wise not sure coz never seen before. but i have seen super cheap 10mm 4ft tank with lousy siliconing etc. at some other places. so then again its up to u . take ur time. look around. cheers
  7. y sell? keep it lar. can use for ur refuge or sump or next time u wan to get a bigger tank and a dsb can use too..
  8. since u bought the tank , y ask whether if 10mm is enough? lol anyway 270 is too ex for the tank ... i can get a 4x2x2 10mm all round for tt price...
  9. its not tt poor thing hahah my refuge is 4ft....
  10. read somewhere on the net tt u can create ur LR too . (provided u have the time and patience) using cement. the process may take up to 3 months to curing the 'dead' rock. and mayb a year or 2 for it to become LR. very interesting... im going to try it next time when i upgrade to a bigger tank. cheers!
  11. theres a lot of info on the net regarding LR. just read up on them and u will noe more, i spent a month of reading before i venture into marine... if u wanna save cash.. u can get those 7/kg or 8/kg lr for ur base like 30 %and the remaining 70% of more quality LR or rocks with unique shapes cheers!
  12. PR has those thick branches kinda LR which are hard to find think 20/kg. fiji LR = 1 st grade LR (more porous)(better shapes)(found in deeper waters) if u go to PR and look at the fiji LR u can see the diff... correct me if im wrong
  13. oh... mayb u can wait till the next stock... or try other places. hehe
  14. sorry i go a little off topic how abt the tunze wavemaker? hows the price like? i heard its not bad.
  15. cool... thanks for the advice every1. now the shrimp is living in my refuge now. hehe
  16. i doing wat thing? spiderone? i offend u or???? hmmmmmm
  17. u mean which kinda snail being sold out? the bumblebee?
  18. close to 2 k for 12 mm all round for 4x2x2 tank? i dont noe the price for tt size.. but i noe the price for 12mm 5x2x2 is abt 1300++ maybe if u want a more variety of choice u can look arnd the forum or at arofantics.com there are a variety of tank makers there. my tank 4x2x2 10mm all round tank i got it from a guy call tank maker in arofantics at less than a k... i dont noe about u . but 4x2x2 10mm works for my marine... unless u want to have a more 'beautiful' look and u can afford it go for the 12mm... it never hurts to get thicker tanks.
  19. thanks for the help. bum.. so my shrimp is saron?
  20. pest anemones? hmmm which genus is pest anemones? or u mean the anemone hermit? well i was just trying things out. frm the profile of the anemone hermit, i read it is a detrivore and eat some algae, (though i noe its aggressive) ,but i wanna try things out .so i introduce it to my tank.. but after the fatal incident... now its happily cleaning up my refuge.... by the way, does any1 noes wat prawn is tt?
  21. spiderone u r damn hot today ar hahah ok my mistake i miss out the '?' at the end of ur sentence.
  22. haha just my personal view. no offence. if u r getting dead rocks try getting those porous ones..
  23. its true.. frm personal exp. the fish wont die coz u starve it. there are something in the system tt it will eat.(pods and algae) i never overfeed my fish. in fact i feed my false percula every 2 days with a cube of blood worms and occasionally a treat of enriched live mysis and they are getting bigger and fatter.
  24. spiderone ... 18 fish = 18 less than 1 inch fish or???18 6 inch fish.. theres a diff.. it also depends on the type of system and maintenance u provide..
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