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Feng Shui anyone use it for placement of tank


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  • SRC Member

hi guys

just wonder how many of u all believe in feng shui in order to decide the placement ur tank.

just had an arguement with my dad. when i reach home after work i found 6 pails waiting for me to drain out my 4ft tank of water. argue with him that the he cant move a fully loaded 4ft cabinet tank even with the water drain out.....

the tank is used to place in the middle of the living room act as a partation for the living room den he told me had to shift next to the window for F..K shift there suntan my fish is it ....... luckly it a fish only tank not my coral tank

end up shifting the tank next to the window with almost all my DSB being dig out........##$%&&%^... what to do when u listen to feng shui....

but i do believe it a bit cos they went to malaysia to ask the "dang gi" and even record it just in case they miss out anything what i believe is that "he" can describe how my house like wat kind of furtiures we have and where i place my tank and bicycles ... :o i also dont believe it at first but when i listen on "he"describe my cousin house also where should place where etc

:sick::sick::sick: wat to do not my house suck thumb :evil::angry:

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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Honestly I started with a goldfish tank for Feng Shui (FS) reasons and that's how I finally come to have a marine tank. But back to FS... my own personal experience is that it will never end once u start this.

First my tank, than u shift it around as different sources tell u it should be somewhere else..... then came the plants around sharp corners, no TV in the bedroom, no mirrors facing the bed etc etc..... I found myself sucked into it. Then came the wealth attracting cat in my office table, sit where to absorb the wealth air... really no end... if things are not smooth, you then cracked yr head thinking where u did wrong...... its really gets u in into bondage situation... very helpless indeed.

Have seen so many other got caught into this.. my brother, in-laws etc. Not sure how many "masters" have been to my in-laws house already.... not sure how much shifting they have done.. not sure how long it will last.... :(

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now the old man like "bue song" toping up tank water like flushing toilet bowl causing my whole tank milky and just found one of my anthies dying expect more to die in the morning.

i just said him a bit and now threaten to sell off the house %%&&$&^0 if he not my old man i think he will be on the ground ^*%*^

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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  • SRC Member
Honestly I started with a goldfish tank for Feng Shui (FS) reasons and that's how I finally come to have a marine tank. But back to FS... my own personal experience is that it will never end once u start this.

First my tank, than u shift it around as different sources tell u it should be somewhere else..... then came the plants around sharp corners, no TV in the bedroom, no mirrors facing the bed etc etc..... I found myself sucked into it. Then came the wealth attracting cat in my office table, sit where to absorb the wealth air... really no end... if things are not smooth, you then cracked yr head thinking where u did wrong...... its really gets u in into bondage situation... very helpless indeed.

Have seen so many other got caught into this.. my brother, in-laws etc. Not sure how many "masters" have been to my in-laws house already.... not sure how much shifting they have done.. not sure how long it will last.... :(

"master" mine dont even have any been into my house they went to the temple to ask and they tell hime these and that

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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  • SRC Member

Wow...you sounded pissed.

Anyway, at times you can use fengshui to your advantage. For my example, the fengshui master mentioned that facing the side of the house is the money well. The more water, the better. So I end up having a goldfish pond, a koi pond, a lotus pond and a water feature. hehehe

Now I'm trying to convince my wife to have a 5ft marine tank facing that direction... hahaha

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  • SRC Member
now the old man like "bue song" toping up tank water like flushing toilet bowl causing my whole tank milky and just found one of my anthies dying expect more to die in the morning.

i just said him a bit and now threaten to sell off the house %%&&$&^0 if he not my old man i think he will be on the ground ^*%*^

I think you have to read it up before believing entirely what the 'master' said. Different 'master' seems to believe in different things....for me i normally read a few books by different authors before using the 'average'.... :D

Anyway, i think topping up water in a tank is not like flushing water down the drain....In Feng Shui, an aquarium is classify under 'yang' water....meaning water that moves...so naturally topping up water is part of that movement....

For toliet, they have a different application in feng shui as they 'press' down bad/good luck in the house. Its not the act of flushing water in toliet that counts, but the activties that is associated with it.....

therefore i think you can explain it to your old man...he will not be able to argue with you if you are more verse then him.... :peace:

PS: I do believe in Feng shui too, its wats got me into starting out with goldfish and now marine....wonder how many bros out there got into this because of that.... :paiseh:

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  • SRC Member
Wow...you sounded pissed.

Anyway, at times you can use fengshui to your advantage. For my example, the fengshui master mentioned that facing the side of the house is the money well. The more water, the better. So I end up having a goldfish pond, a koi pond, a lotus pond and a water feature. hehehe

Now I'm trying to convince my wife to have a 5ft marine tank facing that direction... hahaha

Cool....maybe i can 'bribe' the fengshui master to suggest a 8 feet tank when he comes to look at the new place :angel:

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  • SRC Member

I think you have to read it up before believing entirely what the 'master' said. Different 'master' seems to believe in different things....for me i normally read a few books by different authors before using the 'average'.... :D

Anyway, i think topping up water in a tank is not like flushing water down the drain....In Feng Shui, an aquarium is classify under 'yang' water....meaning water that moves...so naturally topping up water is part of that movement....

For toliet, they have a different application in feng shui as they 'press' down bad/good luck in the house. Its not the act of flushing water in toliet that counts, but the activties that is associated with it.....

therefore i think you can explain it to your old man...he will not be able to argue with you if you are more verse then him.... :peace:

PS: I do believe in Feng shui too, its wats got me into starting out with goldfish and now marine....wonder how many bros out there got into this because of that.... :paiseh:

i mean the way he top up water in my tank never use any pipes or wat just pour only

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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I never use pipe to top up water also what. =\

I guess its rather subjective. this feng shui issue that is.

I for one do not believe in it, or chose not to as if I want to, that means my beloved TV/computer will be out of my room. there goes my great plans to have a self contained room! =(

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I agree with patrick123. you should use fengshui to your advantage.

My parents used to go to those temple and after that come back with lots of funny ideas. :o

I countered by reading FS books and slowly showed that that FS is a science and not supersitions. I shared with them the real way of practicing FS and soon they are always checking with me before they want to move anything in the house. ;)

FYI, FS must be raed on location, cannot remotely read FS. To read FS, the master needs all occupant DOB, when the house was build and the layout of house before setting appointment to physically read your house. When he arrived he will have to take bearings of your flat, house, individual rooms and toilets. Afterwhich he still have to check on the placement of furnishing at your place.

So how the hell can someone do it remotely! :angry:

So maybe you could slowly convert your dad loh, remember the pen is mightier that the sword. ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...
now the old man like "bue song" toping up tank water like flushing toilet bowl causing my whole tank milky and just found one of my anthies dying expect more to die in the morning.

i just said him a bit and now threaten to sell off the house %%&&$&^0 if he not my old man i think he will be on the ground ^*%*^

Thats being very disrepectful,.

I guess u outside always want put people down ?

So Hot will only get u into trouble.

Cool down like u said its not your house, next time your house u want a tank keep mermaid also can.

Worse me stay with mother in law, my house she still always comment that tank shld not put here, cannot put there cos water (wealth) flow out the door. Like blame me cos she no strike 4D like that.

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  • SRC Member

I dun believe in fengshui and that's why I have my marine tank in my bedroom...

My mum is rattling on me cause Fengshui says there should not be a fish tank in the room in which you are sleeping...

Probably explain why things take such a big turn at my workplace, I lose my job and the world goes into wars and terrorism... ahahhaa...

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i believe fengshui abit,and my mum is crazy over it always moving funitures here and there... almost every 3mths or so..

sometimes so pissed off..after moving u got to re-decorate ur stuffs..

so ended up putting my tank in my room now she cant move anymore bcos its TOO HEAVY! hahaha

seamonkee yup and cant have the sound of water flowing..but.. bo bian lah haha

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  • SRC Member
i believe fengshui abit,and my mum is crazy over it always moving funitures here and there... almost every 3mths or so..

sometimes so pissed off..after moving u got to re-decorate ur stuffs..

so ended up putting my tank in my room now she cant move anymore bcos its TOO HEAVY! hahaha

seamonkee yup and cant have the sound of water flowing..but.. bo bian lah haha

Actually, I enjoy the water running sound, that's why I have it in my room... damn soothing man... aahhhhh.....

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