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The Ressurection

reefer guy

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  • SRC Member
Go 3x400W!!! You don't have much LPS or softies, so 400 will benefit your SPS. Can put hyacinthus table on sand bed. Will look awesome.

I also want to see the difference. Maybe I'll also go 400.............. :huh::huh::lol::evil::evil:

wah.. can grow frags on seabed i guess.. then once it was red prata and brain on sandbed.. now is SPS... :bow::bow:

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  • SRC Member

......with all ur advices im gonna eat grass in the end..... but really contemplating on that 3 x 400 :evil::evil::evil:

Haha :upsidedown: ....i think those scientist need to research on putting zooxanthelae into reefers like us so we can produce food for ourselves while we look at the sps....... B)

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  • SRC Member

Bro, maybe don't need 12 hour photoperiod lah. Your light so strong later the SPS sun burnt. :lol::lol:

I think 8 or 9 hour photo period more than enough. Read somewhere before too much light is also not good to corals.

I reduced my MH photo period from 9 to 8 hours as of yesterday. Let you know if got any adversed effect.

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  • SRC Member
all u devils tempting me :evil::evil::evil:

.......see how it goes bros, think i'll try 2 x 400w first if not enough then add another 250w in center, if still not enough......... we shall know by then ;)

with guys like you around....i'll definately buy SingPower shares if they ever get listed..... :D

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  • SRC Member

with guys like you around....i'll definately buy SingPower shares if they ever get listed..... :D

??????? <_<<_<<_<

well, i will wait til that day.... thinking that a few hundred bucks from dedicated reefers like us would make Singpower rich?

i would say that spending abit higher than normal pub bills is better as long as we keep our reef in good condition, rather than spending alot of $$$ buying sps to end up in browned out condition just because of poor life support and maintenance, which i find a waste of money and time....think twice..... :P

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  • SRC Member
bro ... go for 3 X 400W... abit kiasu, but i remember u said.. wats the point of investing so much on sps and end up looking at brown sps... , it will only cost u less than 10% of yr entire setup... go for it.. :lol:

Bro, water clarity does a great deal to help SPS corals. This guy in RC, handle name as "Bomber", has his MH lights turned on for only 2hours a day, he uses 3*250 MH supplement with some VHOs... the corals are stunning. Oh he's a biologist, according to him, SPS corals don't need point blank intense lights... once they get enough(as in food, presumably due to the photo-syntactic bacterial thats lives on the surface of the SPS) for the day, they "shut down" the intake.

I've just converted to a BB tank and I'm getting water so clear, I've never seen since the tank was setup....I'm testing this out... by reducing the lights to a level (4 hrs now) to where it starts brown then, I'll slowly bring it up again until it colours again and thats how I intend to reach lighting equilibrium for them... you'll never know until you test.

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  • SRC Member

Bro, water clarity does a great deal to help SPS corals. This guy in RC, handle name as "Bomber", has his MH lights turned on for only 2hours a day, he uses 3*250 MH supplement with some VHOs... the corals are stunning. Oh he's a biologist, according to him, SPS corals don't need point blank intense lights... once they get enough(as in food, presumably due to the photo-syntactic bacterial thats lives on the surface of the SPS) for the day, they "shut down" the intake.

I've just converted to a BB tank and I'm getting water so clear, I've never seen since the tank was setup....I'm testing this out... by reducing the lights to a level (4 hrs now) to where it starts brown then, I'll slowly bring it up again until it colours again and thats how I intend to reach lighting equilibrium for them... you'll never know until you test.

hmm but other than BB, is there any other ways to get water clearer??

u have his thread link? maybe can show it to us... :thanks: SPS is getting more of me... <_<

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  • SRC Member

hi madmac, thanks for the input.... definitely not lighting alone can assure success in sps husbandry, water quality and clarity as well are factors yet to consider. but reading through bomber's thread, i believe he is using supplementary lighting aside from metal halides. anyway, will try to see how it goes and will update you guys....

btw, i have always believed in bb tank's good water conditions, ive seen alot of success, but i have to admit i just dont like the look of liverocks on glass base. other than that, guess its a way to a fruitful reefing! ;)


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  • SRC Member
hi madmac, thanks for the input.... definitely not lighting alone can assure success in sps husbandry, water quality and clarity as well are factors yet to consider. but reading through bomber's thread, i believe he is using supplementary lighting aside from metal halides. anyway, will try to see how it goes and will update you guys....

btw, i have always believed in bb tank's good water conditions, ive seen alot of success, but i have to admit i just dont like the look of liverocks on glass base. other than that, guess its a way to a fruitful reefing! ;)


same goes to me....though it seems as natural reef to me.. :lol:

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