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  • SRC Member

hm...have you guys ever noticed the recent string of bad events occurring?

first big event was sept 11th (human)

then iraq (human)

then came sars

then bird flu (contained in birds)

then tsunami

then bird flu

then earthquake in turkey and sulawesi last week

then this week suspected case of human to human bird flu

doomsday coming soon?

(i would appreciate it if people kept this thread free of religious ideas since its a very sensitive topic... :thanks: )

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I'm a practical person.

I have to die one day.

no point running away from it.

PS. we've had more deaths in the previous century due to the two world wars and crazy rulers like Stalin etc. so. statistically, still got a lot of catching up to do for this new century. so don't quake in your knickers yet. (=

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  • SRC Member

Well, think of it as the nature's way of keeping the human population in check...to very little effect come to think of it. Much like the way many reefsters here getting rid of their algae problem. :)


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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  • SRC Member
I'm a practical person.

I have to die one day.

no point running away from it.

PS. we've had more deaths in the previous century due to the two world wars and crazy rulers like Stalin etc. so. statistically, still got a lot of catching up to do for this new century. so don't quake in your knickers yet. (=

maybe this century will have WW3 and 4 to match statistically with 1 and 2

so dun speak to early!

no offense :P:P:P

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I'm a practical person.

I have to die one day.

no point running away from it.

PS. we've had more deaths in the previous century due to the two world wars and crazy rulers like Stalin etc. so. statistically, still got a lot of catching up to do for this new century. so don't quake in your knickers yet. (=

Hahahaha... I like the way u tink bro!! :P

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  • SRC Member

this is my question..............

lets say u know tat 2molo will be the doom day and every one going to far away place......wat will you do to ur marine tank 2day? :huh:

will u put bk all ur life stock to the nature or leave it. :rolleyes: ............?????????????

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this is my question..............

lets say u know tat 2molo will be the doom day and every one going to far away place......wat will you do to ur marine tank 2day? :huh:

will u put bk all ur life stock to the nature or leave it. :rolleyes: ............?????????????

they're going to die either way aren't they? :heh:

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  • SRC Member

maybe this century will have WW3 and 4 to match statistically with 1 and 2

so dun speak to early!

no offense :P:P:P

nah i think we will have more to fear from terrorist than ww3 or 4. even if there is a ww3, i dun supposed the deathtoll will be anything close to ww1 or 2 figures, considering the way war was fought back then(close combat n mass chionging into enemy's fire)

sure we have our nuclear warheads n etc. but why would u want to flatten a city and destroy everything in it... when ur intention is to take over the place n reap benefits from it?(thats what wars r all about right?)

it is possible we'll die from some virus though.

all in all, we have to remember that the world was a much more screwed up place back in the old days, compared to today. like terryansimon mentioned. so, lets all enjoy this beautiful world that we live in today, while it last :)

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world was a much more screwed up place back in the old days

The world is screwed up now more than before. The people involved in mass destruction, violence and causing hardships to certain people are wearing suits and ties in some parts of the world. These mad barbarians are a threat to world stability and peace. They even called themselves liberators.

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  • SRC Member
PPL have been saying doomsday coming like at least a decade ago. IMO, of course there'll be a doomsday but why go worried over something u cannot control. ;)

well..if u know doomsday coming, you'll cherish the time left more instead of wasting it like many of us do

so if you ask me, i'd like to know when doomsday is

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  • SRC Member

Do not worry about tomorrow for today have enough worries by itself, look at the birds in the air for they do not store food in their barns and the flowers in the fields for they do not labour or spin, yet look how they are being fed and clothe....

So enjoy and treasure each day as it is and live it to the fullest - having said that, there must still be moderation in all enjoyment - Epicurus

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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  • SRC Member
some countries where they shld have summer now, are having winter. Climate keep changing too.. also have a thought on doomsday..  :o

Hooray!!! Save money on chiller liao!!!! :lol::D:lol:

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  • SRC Member
(i would appreciate it if people kept this thread free of religious ideas since its a very sensitive topic... :thanks: )


you started a thread where people's opinions are very much based on their beliefs (including religious beliefs).

One should not start a thread that gives everyone restrictions to air their views.

I understand the sensitivity of religions, hence, why start this thread in the first place?

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  • SRC Member


you started a thread where people's opinions are very much based on their beliefs (including religious beliefs).

One should not start a thread that gives everyone restrictions to air their views.

I understand the sensitivity of religions, hence, why start this thread in the first place?

no offense bro but if you read the past few replies, i do believe they are non-religious replies :lol:

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  • SRC Member

Well ... if u look at it scientifically, we humans are present on Earth for 0.0001 % of Earth's history (13 billion yrs), of which billions of species of life had evolved and then wiped out by various causes before us. (Not to mention that homo sapiens did quite a good job at making other species extinct <_< )

Thus for that Doomsday to come, a strike by a HUGE meteor from space would be the 1st possible event that comes to mind that will wipe out a whole lot of us, since it happpened b4 to the dinosaurs with the KT impact.

2nd possible is the onset of yet another ice age ... though depends on which group of scientists u believe .. i believe that we are in a rather mild ice age .. with the help of homo sapiens bringing global warming ..... maybe it'll get worse

3rd one is the shifting of magnetic poles ... since according to some research (forgot where i read this), Earth's magnetic poles shifts (North pole becomes South etc) every few 100,000 yrs and we are actually overdue for that shift .. during that shift (dunno how long it takes) i guess many of us will be zapped to death by harmful cosmic rays :blink::blink:

4th is a long shot .... waiting for yellowstone park to blow up (Giant vocanic eruption) which will then cover the Earth wif ashes and stuff ... or anyother active volcanos for that matter. ... Yellowstone park cos IT is a very large crater :P and i get to live a while longer :evil::evil:

Well ... to all that, think Doomsday dont have to wait for a string of unrelated events cos when shit hits the fan, there's no usually no warning. This i understand fully cos one fine day last yr oct, after missing Silver in my IPPT run by 20secs, fit and healthy; the next day, i was dianogised wif cancer..

All in all ... good to think about doomsday, then live life to the fullest every single day, go forth and do wat u really want to do, Live wifout regrets. :):)

P.S. Those who are smoking, pls stop. ... .. . cos chemotherapthy REALLY sucks BIG time ... furthermore yr famile suffers wif u.

P.S.S I dont smoke ... just shear lack of luck to kana cancer at 25. :look:

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