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  • SRC Member


This is what you posted.. the first posting...

Selling both brain together for $30. I think one of them is bleached but should recover given some care. Interested please sms or call me at 93361475. I dun mind delivering if nearby braddell or up north around yishun area

I am pissed and fed up of such a reefer and any who is going to do such things in the future..

I confirmed the items that was posted...the price was confirmed...the venue for collection....and the time for collection....so I made my meetings to accomodate the purchase...

What happens 1hr before the collection and I was on the way to Braddel MRT station...this reefer sms's me and says that another reefer has offered him to take all three items...which you posted last...of the additional item..

Please don't send apologies through the phone cause you are wasting my time...and let me tell you my time is valuable...

If you are doing business ...time is of the essence...

Please be very sure what you want to sell...and when you have confirmed a sale...make sure you stand by it....all the sms's and timing of the sms's are on my phone...

I am damn pissed off cause I was on the way and you sms'ed and said another reefer wanted to take all...but you confirmed the sale to me even though you offered me the coral tree at the last minute and I said NO!!! to you and you did this type of SH** A*S UNETHICAL thing and go confirm it with another reefer when you have confirmed it with me...

I can't blame the other reefer cause he probably dosen't know at all!!!!!!!!!

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  • SRC Member

hey bro..chill down..

why not re-edit the post with the "$#!+ @$$"

u might come into further trouble with the moderators..

this kind of reefer are totally incorrigible..

glad you noted us

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Pls edit the "Sh** A**" and don't use large fonts

It is not a vulgarity but very offensive

If he had done wrong, settle it discretely with him and the mods

This forum is not for such posts ;)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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  • SRC Member

The word is not offensive and not vulgar and neither is it obscene,

Thankyou for your valuable comment. I shall use large fonts as the facility in the message posting is there for any reefer to use..and this reefer is one that I want to expose to all who wants to read and if there comes a time if this reefer is gonna deal with any of the reefers here..they'll know what & whom they are dealing with.

Thankyou once again

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  • SRC Member

Bro Mabro...sorry if I had offended you in anyway...but I run a business...therefore time is money to me...I cut a meeting short because I am a man of my words...

I had given my word...and I never go back on my word...discipline & principle is in my blood...so when I can concluded my meeting short and not have it moved to tommorow..I might have concluded it...

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  • SRC Member

understand yr frustration bro.... tats one reason i try not to buy things from fellow reefers ... to avoid any misunderstandings, frustration etc just relax lah...

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  • SRC Member

Yes ..I agree with all of you...and when it happens to you...the you will say ...the same thing...who is this small boy........and yet this reefer dare not come in here and answer or post a reply...he'd better not post anything else..cause no one's going to believe him...so next thing he's gonna do is change his nick...but I have his handphone number and I am going to find out who he is actually....

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Hey bud.... get a life. The decision to sell to whom still lies with the seller. If someone can offer me a better deal, why not? Not as if I have some written contract with you. And I did told you earlier that I prefer to sell to the guy who is willing to buy all three.

I also gave you ample notice so that you dun have to make a wasted trip. Stop blaming me for all the shit that happens to you. Everyone will kenna aeroplane once in a while, never see them make as big a fuss as you. The reason why I dun wish to reply to your thread initially was becos I find it childish to pick a fight over such an issue. But since you want a fight before you can die peacefully.... I am more than happy to accomodate you. I have no need to change my nick or do anything to avoid you. What can you do when you find out who I am?

Sheesh. Call yourself a business man when you can be so petty over such a minor issue. Imagine cutting short a business deal just to get a $25 corals. Dun know who is not thinking right.

If you want fuss-free shopping.... go to a LFS. But even LFS will fly you aeroplane if you have been reading the threads. What u going to do? Set fire to their shop?

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  • SRC Member
Hey bud.... get a life. The decision to sell to whom still lies with the seller. If someone can offer me a better deal, why not? Not as if I have some written contract with you. And I did told you earlier that I prefer to sell to the guy who is willing to buy all three.

Sorry, once u confirm a deal u cannot simply back up. Its known as BREACH of Contract....

Not all decision lies on Seller. Once a decision to is make, the seller cannot just withdraw. ...

U should apologise....not just complain here.

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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  • SRC Member
Hey bud.... get a life. The decision to sell to whom still lies with the seller. If someone can offer me a better deal, why not? Not as if I have some written contract with you. And I did told you earlier that I prefer to sell to the guy who is willing to buy all three.

I also gave you ample notice so that you dun have to make a wasted trip. Stop blaming me for all the shit that happens to you. Everyone will kenna aeroplane once in a while, never see them make as big a fuss as you. The reason why I dun wish to reply to your thread initially was becos I find it childish to pick a fight over such an issue. But since you want a fight before you can die peacefully.... I am more than happy to accomodate you. I have no need to change my nick or do anything to avoid you. What can you do when you find out who I am?

Sheesh. Call yourself a business man when you can be so petty over such a minor issue. Imagine cutting short a business deal just to get a $25 corals. Dun know who is not thinking right.

If you want fuss-free shopping.... go to a LFS. But even LFS will fly you aeroplane if you have been reading the threads. What u going to do? Set fire to their shop?

Let's see......

Let's see.....

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  • SRC Member
Pls bear in mind tat a sms agreement or a verbal one is as good as a written contract... dun believe u can go read up the law penal code. U did a mistake and so u should apologise and dun sound like is C.R fault....

Well.. i think he should read up the SALE OF GOOD ACT and know the details before...saying...tsk tsk

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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  • SRC Member

The sale was commited when two parties agree to the price..and then agree to the point of collection and the time set...

So are we going to practice this...commit a sale after everything is agreed upon and then commit to another party when there is a different or higher when there is a prior comitment made...

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