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SPS keeping, Money intensive?


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Ive been keeping basically a FOWLR tank for over 2 years now in a 3 feet tank. As my wife and me have recently purchased a new place, we were planning to built a 6 x 2 x 2 tank to keep SPS. ive been reading alot on SPS and i understand that the requirements are pretty money intensive.

I was wondering if anyone could give me a rough breakdown on some items that is required such as 6 feet 250 watt MH lights and what size of a calcium reacter is required and rough estimate of how much.

Or mayb some experienced SPS keepers have the same tank spec i suggested ( a 6 feet one) could share with me the costs they have incurred for equipment.

I dunno if this is the correct place to post. im jus looking for some direction to go abt my research further.

Thanks a million


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  • SRC Member
Seriously bro... if u wanna keep SPS well, prepare to soend at least $10K for a 6 footer... 

Vins, you must be joking or you have lost count. My 4 footer has breeched this amount long ago.

Basically, Marine tanks are about 2X more Exp tp keep than freshwater (except Aro of course). SPS is another 3X more Exp than normal marine tanks. And this amount is elastic according to your skill and expectations of colour.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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Vins, you must be joking or you have lost count. My 4 footer has breeched this amount long ago.

Basically, Marine tanks are about 2X more Exp tp keep than freshwater (except Aro of course). SPS is another 3X more Exp than normal marine tanks. And this amount is elastic according to your skill and expectations of colour.


at least mah.... plus only basic setup, excluding fish/rocks etc etc... I tink $10,000 can set up lah... dun scare Kyro mah... :D

Come to tink, my 3 footer also breached that amount some 1 year plus ago?!?! :sick::sick:

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not to mention the electrical bills for a 6footer... 250W might not cut it... might need 400W, and not just one.. for 6 feet tank maybe 3-4 bulbs?? That's like 1200-1600W just on lights alone!!

And the chiller?!?! :( :( :(

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KyRo, you will need some money. :)... It is my hope that your passion in keeping these is bigger than your wallet, most times it is not the money that forces one out.

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Thanks for all the reply guys!

Yes im aware of the costs of running a 6 footer. i think ive spent like 6-8 k on my setup for my 3 footer marine tank alone. Yea i was thinking of putting aside 10k.

BTW is it true that 250W bulbs wont substain for a 6 footer?? Cos i had the impression that if it was only 2 feet in depth it would be alrite.

I understand that over time the collection of SPS and all will cost much more due to the overgrowing marine tank passion ehhe.

But im really curious abt lights and calc reactor cos i spent like 700 on my 3 footer 150 W lights and was wondering what the dmg is for a 3 bulb 6 footer set of lights.

As for calc reactor i have never used it before. Ive spoken to a few LFS and to be honest i really dunno which brand or model to look carefully at as i feel some of them are jus pushing it for sales....

Other than that i intend to slowly create a SPS heaven. Probably in 8-12 mths after i setup the 6 footer. At the start im jus planning to port over all my fishes and get the system stable and running first.\

or possibly look into a DIY solution.

Thanks for all the advice guys. This community is awesome!!!


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effectively; a good single 250W MH (assuming good ballast/reflectors/etc) shldn't hv any problem giving a coverage surface area of 2ft by 2ft. as for depth coverage, it is dependent on the intensity and "punch factor". i wld say u need at least 3x 250W MH for ur 6 ft setup.


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U dont need to fork out so much cash for the initial start as you still need time to ensure your tank is mature for SPS.

Basic equipment like tank, lightings, skimmer. etc....

Than u can follow by CR, wave makers etc when ur tank is ready

U definately need 3 sets of 250watts atleast to have a good coverage. It depends on how hard core u are in Marine fish keeping....

some guys here have more than 1000watts of lights in their marine tank... :lol: u know who u are,,, :D

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it seems that i would need the following equipments at the initial phase:

Tank, skimmer, chiller, lights, pumps. (dunno if i left out anything else, gotta check)

And only when the tank is matured and stable should i add in a calc reactor??

BTW is having 2 skimmers good? cos im planning to get a beckette and i hav a ASM G3 skimmer in my 3 feet atm which i believe is pretty handy as well since i will prob shut down the 3 feet and give the tank to my dad to rear his goldfish lol.

Anyway thx for the advice guys!!!!


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U dont need to fork out so much cash for the initial start as you still need time to ensure your tank is mature for SPS.

Basic equipment like tank, lightings, skimmer. etc....

Than u can follow by CR, wave makers etc when ur tank is ready

U definately need 3 sets of 250watts atleast to have a good coverage. It depends on how hard core u are in Marine fish keeping....

some guys here have more than 1000watts of lights in their marine tank... :lol: u know who u are,,, :D

Who?! better own up! :lol::lol:

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it seems that i would need the following equipments at the initial phase:

Tank, skimmer, chiller, lights, pumps. (dunno if i left out anything else, gotta check)

And only when the tank is matured and stable should i add in a calc reactor??

BTW is having 2 skimmers good? cos im planning to get a beckette and i hav a ASM G3 skimmer in my 3 feet atm which i believe is pretty handy as well since i will prob shut down the 3 feet and give the tank to my dad to rear his goldfish lol.

Anyway thx for the advice guys!!!!


Bro... if u intend to stock up with lots of corals, suggest u go for calcium reactor, its gonna save you money in additives in the long run... ;)

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