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Safe coral to keep


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Since you are keeping mostly softies, then I would suggest you create a whole environment for soft corals. Maybe you can add one elephant ear or leather species. How big is you tank? And like bros mentioned, what live stock you keep and what equipment you have can greatly help in choosing what corals is suitable for you.

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Ok here i is what I have so far:

I have only a 2ft tank and currently it is stock up with a yellow tang (philippine tang), a clown and a cleaner shrimp. There is a "landscape" of live rocks too, I also have sand at the bottom of the tank.

I have some mushroom in there and it has been surviving for months now.

I have a PH in it to help water circulation and a canister filter. For lightings I have is a simple Blue and white tube kind of lamp, not sure what is the spec of it, got it from the LFS 6 months ago, I keep it turn on for about 8hours a day. The setup is coming to about 1 year old.

So far manage to keep the temperature at 29 degree.

Please please suggest those that is easy to keep (of course must be pretty one lah), cause I have a bad experience, which my tank crash because I gei kian try to keep an anemon.

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