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Status Updates posted by peacemaker

  1. Woke up to a flood... great way to start the weekend... (>,

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. peacemaker


      Indeed. *wipes sweat off the forehead*

    3. straydum


      what an ordeal! thankfully no casualties right?

    4. peacemaker


      Nope. All is fine. Took the chance to do a full maintenance. Everything is so clean now. :o)

  2. Why is this hobby so darn expensive...?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TayHongSiang


      haha...agree...so long as u dun go into the dark side...u're fine

    3. peacemaker


      Dark side really so bad meh? Some are successful with just regular water changes...

  3. Flame angel not feeding... I've tried pallets, mysis and cyclopeeze. Thought of live brine shrimp. Anyone has any other ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. M3Morph


      have u try soaking with garlic?

    3. peacemaker


      Does that help with appetite? I thought it was meant for improved immune system?

    4. M3Morph


      To certain extend, yes. The best method is to soak using those nutrient product. Most of these product smell terrible to us but somehow fishes love them.

  4. Multi-colour, blue fin, argi, flame... what else to add to the list?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. peacemaker


      Lol... he prolly meant the venustus. Which LFS brings them in?

    3. Terryz_


      Ya, Venustus but colini during season, will trickle a few in but normally 1-2 in one shipment...

    4. yikai


      venustus iwarna, ahbeng, CF, sealife, almost everywhere.

      colini CF, iwarna and very rarely ahbeng. but they appear at reborn and lck before also.

      v sporadic.

  5. Watching the Lyretail Anthias being serviced by the fire shrimp is interesting, but watching the hermit whacking the snail with the peppermint shrimp cashing in on the spoils of war was bizzarely fun. Another one bites the dust...

  6. I need a seahare...

    1. Eniram


      AM has some common brown ones

    2. peacemaker


      Bro, you have any idea how big they are? Just need a small one would do.

    3. cedricang


      Bro, small ones can be around 2-2.5 inches only, as Jeremy suggested, look out from AM ")

  7. Anyone has a good recommendation for a tank cover other than a hood? Need to prevent fishes from jumping. Directions to DIY setups would be fantastic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iskay


      thinnest material you can get so that your light is less obstructed/diffused.

    3. peacemaker


      Bro, where can I get this plastic chicken wire?

      @Jeremy: I thought of egg crate, but light penetration is a concern.

    4. straydum


      a good number of fishes can jump through egg crate especially nano fishes for us nano keepers :P

      i'm looking for the chicken wire too but most hardware shops dont carry them

  8. How do you make your own garlic juice? Squeeze or blend (which includes pulp)?

    1. Terryz_


      Blend and let it stand, the bubble will disappear and you can store that liquid in your fridge...

    2. peacemaker


      Just pure juice and no pulp? Do you add water?

  9. Anyone can recommend a good .mp4 converter that is free? I'm a bit sua ku, but have never installed any videos on mobile devices...

    1. dnsfpl


      format factory

    2. peacemaker


      Thanks man! Works like a charm.

  10. Down with the cheats! Boo! We need to hard slam these unscrupulous behavior!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dnsfpl


      long story, nothing to do with reefing...can only blame myself for trusting someone...boo

    3. peacemaker


      It is a malicious world, my friend! Just have to be careful and make calculated risks.

    4. orsony


      Well, treat it as lesson learnt.

  11. Completed my first major water change for 2011! All is clean, corals are happy, and so am I. :o)

  12. Lol... just saw my snail shaking off the hermit from its shell. Comical scene. :oD

  13. Diatoms disappearing... Coralline appearing (^,^)

  14. For a moment, I thought I saw a cockroach in the tank. Turned out to be my Peppermint shrimp when the lights go off...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. peacemaker


      It has this silhouette figure of a creepy crawly with long feelers, so it's easy to "see" things. :oP

    3. vt_snowman87


      if only i could see my peppermints.. put in 3 and all nowhere to be seen.. :(

    4. peacemaker


      Don't be despair! The first time I had them, it took 1 month before I saw it surface. But a general rule of the thumb: always be careful of creatures with claws in a reef tank. ^^

  15. Tanks are finally up and running. Now to pass the patience test. (~,~)

    1. Terryz_


      Bew tanks???

    2. peacemaker


      Well... kind of. Some transfers here and there. :o)

  16. My clowns are attempting to host the tux urchin... lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cedricang


      lol...they are going thru commando training i guess?! may be that's what happen in the wild too ^^

    3. peacemaker


      Bro, more like navy seals or US marines man! They kind of given up already. Too painful an ordeal, I guess. :o)

    4. cedricang


      May be that's how they train themselve to host in anemone later... :)

  17. My tank was without lights for an entire week... good thing is, it is very clean (no algae). Bad thing, corals suffered. Oh well...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iskay


      Prolonged low light scenarios do happen in nature during monsoon season so hopefully your corals recover.

    3. peacemaker


      Thanks guys! Most of the corals are doing fine. I do have some sunlight coming in the room during the day, so that helps.

  18. So now I have 2 Yashia pairs (fish & shrimp) and 1 Yashia & 1 shrimp (not paired). I wonder if they are willing to live together like a happy family. :oP

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. peacemaker


      Kiko: I think it is relatively easy. They paired up almost immediately and hide in the same "hole" now. :o)

    3. peacemaker


      Now the barrier between my male & female Yasha, with their shrimps, have been removed. No aggression thus far.

    4. peacemaker


      *sings* We are family~

  19. Sigh... Algae problems are so depressing... the urge to throw in the towel is creeping in...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. peacemaker


      Thank you, bros! Ced, will definitely arrange with you again. :o)

    3. whq


      hermit does a good job on clearing algae on rock:) do give it a try

    4. peacemaker


      Well, the one that I got seems like a pretty hard worker. However, he is also doing a good job bull dozing everything else... Probably has the most attractive "house" now. I'll post pics. :o)

  20. 6-Line VS Elongated Dottyback. Anyone wants to make a guess on the results? :oP

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peacemaker


      I'll add a few more factors: 6-line is an established fish in the tank, but slightly shorter when it comes to size as compared to the Elongated Dottyback.

    3. straydum


      initally 6 lines, but after that peace :)

    4. peacemaker


      Lol... the Elongated Dottyback comes up tops! I'm very surprised as well. It was chasing the 6-line, and now it has quite a well nipped tail!

  21. I'm spending more on chemicals than fish or corals... this is so wrong...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AloysiusMun


      Haha. I am moving along the same path dude! =D

    3. kueytoc


      veri wrong dude...regular water change much cheaper alternative...heh heh

    4. peacemaker


      Yes, and probably the road leading to destruction on both the tank and my wallet.

  22. Why is my naoko flashing whenever the 6-line comes near? Its twice its size... -,-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Milch_Tan


      haha, unfortunately I have not kept either b4, but my mystery wrasse, which was once kept at fren's place goes for the kill for all other fishes, as for naoko, heard alot of stories bout it attacking bigger fish.

    3. peacemaker


      Oh my... IME, the one that I had in the past was rather ok with other fishes. Then again, things may change. However, I still don't understand why the 6-line appears so fearsome to other fishes much bigger than itself.

    4. yikai


      6 lines are from the genus pseudocheilinus, which are the lined wrasses. all wrasses from this genus are very aggressive and don't mind going after fishes bigger than them. mystery wrasses are from this genus too.

  23. The red band across the eyes of the Green Banded Goby is very cool.

    1. FuEl


      Mask of Zorro. :D

    2. pokmingsheng


      agree.. very nice..

    3. peacemaker


      Lol... more like Ninja Turtle! :oP

  24. My supersun just swallowed a baby true octo... wonder what will be the outcome.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cedricang


      something is brewing inside...may be a hybrid octo sun coral in the making...heehee

    3. peacemaker


      lol... you will see supersun with lumi green tentacles!

    4. cedricang


      haaha...that would be simple awesome bro !

  25. Should I add fishes to a frag tank? If I do, what should I add? Thinking of a six-line wrasse and some damsels.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. cedricang


      Haa...Eugene is right on the spot, added a squad of sixlines and deploy to all my tanks now...hee...my CUC consist of seahaire and algieblenny that's all !

    3. vt_snowman87


      hahaha.. no wonder i saw those 6lines busy at work last night!

    4. peacemaker


      Lol... algae blenny might be a bit too much for my small tank. I'm afraid it won't be enough to sustain it. Not too familiar with Sea hare, need to find out more.

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