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Status Updates posted by wilsontantw

  1. 4 months of the year has passed, have u achieved 1/3 of 2012 goals?

  2. kh dropped to 6.7.

    1. yellowtang


      now i dont bother to check. Just dose to increase kh twice a week, even though using cr.Even that, cant achieve 8. Happy with 7.5 constant.

    2. wilsontantw


      Didn't checked for 2 months. On top of that changed source of sodium bicarbonate. Bad move. Lost 2 monti colonies. paid the price for laziness.

  3. 龙马精神, 步步高升 。HUAT AH!

    1. Jameshong


      Wish you 年年有鱼 !!!

  4. may TWENTY TWELVE be a prosperous year for all.. and your tanks too!

    1. Jameshong


      Time to revamp...LOL!

    2. wilsontantw


      Cool. Show before and after shots k?

  5. i barely just started.. and the tank already looks packed with the inhabitants from the previous tanks..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. braincoral


      Any Sps to clear ? Lol

    3. peacemaker


      Bro, Fast Five mah... Lol... :oP

    4. cedricang


      It's amazing how much staff we have packed our reef tank with given the finite space area. It's like moving house, you never know till you shift them all out to a new place !

  6. very happy to find a nice fish today.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. yikai


      lemonpeels are notoriously aggressive. take note of this for future additions.

    3. desideria


      sigh lemon... LP aggressive.. I must be really suay.. every LP I try are chickens!

    4. ranchuboy


      you know LP is not reef-safe right ?

  7. seriously, this double standards thing is getting on my nerves! i got 2 words for you... go figure!

    1. cedricang


      Lol...Wilson, got prize for correct answer ??

    2. starfish123
  8. anyone wants a hairy crab? pls pm me. bedok reservoir..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. braincoral


      Hairy crab spirit spotted at bedok reservoir

    3. yellowtang


      can you brush aside the hair and see it a male or female. I want to eat the roe and not the male sp...

    4. Eniram
  9. I found a crab about 50c coin size shell (alive) and caught it. Some palys are also opening up. Does this mean cycling is done?? Hmmm...

    1. SamuelTan


      Check your water parameters to be sure.

    2. pokmingsheng


      unleash your monster!

  10. some wood just cant be carved...

    1. desideria


      need fragging tools la. :)

    2. Eniram


      if i were a carpenter i wouldn't wanna carve Hollywood or clint eastwood

    3. cedricang


      Lol...wonder who gets into your nerve ?

  11. So tedious to start a new tank thread. Can the forum have a feature to allow mobile device photo upload pls?

  12. 不鸣则己,一鸣"警"人... yes CSM!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cedricang


      Bro, you are the only one that has a very good command of the chinese proverbs, dam powerful sia

    3. wilsontantw


      Truth is I failed Chinese in sec 1...

    4. cedricang


      lol...this prove that what is past does not necessarily means the potential of future !

  13. It's time for change.. Project 5 starts today.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jackywongto


      **its in the project name..... "5" !

    3. bellinayu
    4. mengyang_neo


      wow big project, remember to post update.=)

  14. Contemplating changing one of the tank to become a species tank. (lionfish/scorpion/trigger).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bellinayu


      Always wanted a species tank. Love gobies and seahorses. Still cld keep less demanding spa in that tank such as Montis and bn.

    3. peacemaker


      Strange that I have the same urge as you do to keep a species tank, but I was thinking of a peacock mantis shrimp for some sadistic viewing pleasure! Lol...

    4. TayHongSiang


      seahorses are peaceful creatures and certainly makes an interesting species tank...scorpion n lionfish are quite aggressive...in case yr child accidentally puts his fingers inside

  15. I've chosen my TAN. Have you?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. cedricang


      Yes indeed, the outcome turn out to be what you have predicted...sighh

    3. TayHongSiang


      Old fart allowed TJS to come in to dliute Bock's votes...TJS should not have taken the bait

    4. cedricang


      Ah Siang, I differ from your view, TKL shd have stay out instead, at least 50% of TKL vote would have gone to TCB and it will be a perfect outcome.

  16. I need some changes in life! Status quo is boring me!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. peacemaker


      Bro, JellO shots are jellies made of alcohol. Slurp it down and go hooo hooo... :o)

    3. peacemaker


      Upgrade ya tank! Plenty of room to stock then.

    4. jackywongto


      yup agree. upgrade !

  17. Should I attempt to take 1/2 day leave on Friday?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. cedricang


      Chilled wines and wine will be serve...hur hur

    3. wilsontantw


      Yah. I know I want to take, but it's peak period now. Sigh...

      Can chiong LFS, go rest and relax before going to Ang's clinic.

    4. Eniram


      Hello kitty, you going to dr angs pl?

  18. And finally after 3 weeks, the PBT finally takes pellets!! Woo hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wilsontantw


      long story bro.. i'll probably share in my tank thread, but its basically gotta do with monkey see monkey do. ive got a pellet feeding coral beauty sharing the tank with the PBT. :)

    3. pokmingsheng


      Congrats!! Great sense of satisfaction

    4. wilsontantw


      Indeed, this chap has been ich-free since day 1. And err no QT/ whatever dip. Just Acclimitise with drip method in 30mins and dump in.

  19. 饮水思源...

    1. cedricang


      well said bro, unfortunately it's lacking in our society.

    2. jackywongto


      **agree totally

  20. Am considering giving up the hobby for another love...

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. wilsontantw


      Jeremy if you want better come fast.

    3. yellowtang


      In the reefing world, nothing suprises me. Good luck, kid.

    4. HW33


      racing car ah?

  21. I got myself 2 Smith's Fang Blenny!! Woah the whites are outstanding in the tank!

    1. iskay


      Don't get bitten by it. It's said to have a venomous bite.

  22. It's the last day of 2010, have you completed your to-do for the year? Start planning for 2011, it'll end before you know it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eniram


      I got myself a pair of bellus angel.

    3. s9534891b


      i just bought my sand for marine aquarium.

    4. wilsontantw


      And I have not completed my auto-water top up tub... Not yet completed the main tank rescape... Oh no... 10more hrs to to go...

  23. Wonders if I'm suffering from must-buy-something-when-I-visit-LFS disease

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TayHongSiang


      i tot almost every reefers suffers from this disease?

    3. wilsontantw


      Guess what? I went LFSing and didn't buy anything today!!!

    4. peacemaker


      Congrats! Must be empty tanks right? :oP

  24. Do u know the difference between reporter and researcher?

    1. cedricang


      LOL...bro that's a good one ! *blink*blink*

    2. Milch_Tan


      the former being an art and the latter being a science ? :)

    3. Eniram


      reporter for sps location, researcher on sps species

  25. Time for rescape!

    1. LaW


      watch out for your disk.

    2. wilsontantw


      Oh yeah... The one that slipped! Haha. Dude. Do pm me your available slots k? Will try my best to meet you. Maybe Monday?

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