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Everything posted by Djnellaf

  1. 2016...Still looking...
  2. Thanks will pop down and go take a look. Went to ah beng. They sold out.
  3. Thank you for the suggestions fellow reefers. I will go check out the places as recommended.
  4. I am looking to buy medium to large sized Tailspot Blenny. If any reefers is selling or know of any LFS selling, please contact me. Thanks!
  5. Hi fellow reefers, I recently broke the bottom black screw that stabilises my TLF Phosban reactor 150. I like to buy back the replacement screw. Do anyone has spare or know any LFS selling?
  6. Looking to buy a small size Sohal Tang. Please contact me if you have one to sell or if any lfs is selling. Thanks
  7. Found the snails at ah beng. Please close thread. Thank you.
  8. Thanks. Going down to CF to ask.
  9. Hi reefers, i am looking to buy 4 Trochus snails. Anyone has any to sell or know of any lfs selling? Thanks
  10. Purple tip frogspawn found. Please close thread. Thank you.
  11. Wrong posting. Apologies
  12. Hi fellow reefers, I looking to buy Purple tip frogspawn coral to put in my tank. Please PM me if you have any to sell. I would prefer to see the picture of the coral before dealing. Thanks.
  13. You can also go plaza singapura art friend, they have an ornamental shells section. I put in some for my tank. My hermit crab has since changed to a bigger shell from the shells I bought at art friend and did not disturb my snails. Nice and shiny brand new home for my hermit.
  14. I am hoping to buy Crocea clam for my tank. Not sure where to buy and if there is any stock in the lfs?
  15. Just managed to approach a nice sgreefclub bro at the marine exposition and collected a bag of chaeto. Thanks SRC!
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