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Everything posted by angelfishlover

  1. Woah impressive set up. You are also using iron stand as me but the space 1 marine tank really cramp up my hallway as all the equips must place there.Anyways yeah harlequin tuskfish may eat the urchin.How about adding some angelfishes maybe?They look damn impressive like queen angel,French angel or coral beauty.Koran is also ok(i like FW and SW angels so yeah that's how my name appeared to be) Ahh another student.I am a student too......
  2. Just drop fish pellets or shrimps on em.But Euphyllias doesn't have sticky tentacles for some reason.Hmm it's official brown jelly infection.Get rid of all the infected corals and suck as much jellies from the affected coral as you can. Oh don't let any of the jelly float around in your tank.If land on other corals,too bad they will have it sooner or later......
  3. Wah the frogspawn very swee!!!!!
  4. Sometimes big LPS like moon coral i wash it to add em to my collection of liverocks cause that coral won't stink up the whole tank.If it is those fleshy type then i just throw down the chute without anybags or i used my packing bags if small...
  5. Me live in Hougang.Near Kovan MRT.Also very near to GO
  6. I thought their care is similar with hammer too?Anyways all the euphyllia corals try not to touch their tentacles and always look out for big opening specimen as shrunk specimen maybe dying(i said maybe but better be safe than sorry so try not to buy it).True octo is the one with loads of pimples on the tentacles one. For light i suggest if your tank is using MH and the tank is shallow put it at the bottom of the tank or mid.Put at the top sure burn.Moderate current is more than enough.High current will kill em!!You say about shed browning stuff i will be guessing the brown jelly infection.....
  7. Lol the one near the carpark there.....Thohirah's Indian Muslim food or something
  8. Woo nice tower!!!!Me this time also rescape and did change a few of my wishwlist(means no more tangs).Me want prata since the moment i start this hobby!!!!They look nice but then the prata near AM better.
  9. Hmm yay i no more minor already!!!!Lol 17 now very stressful so much work especially my F&N coursework.Aiyo sleep also at 12am then can.Then everyday wake up like very sleepy...... Anyways hope to get some more frags/equips from aquarama if very ex i go there wasted for not getting anything.....Wonder of AM got set up booth there or not.I want to see those plecos there lool now fanatic with freshwater plecos(suckerfish) too......
  10. Anytime of the day it can eat.Just drop the pellets and its tentacles wiill appear meaning the bubble will deflate to become tentacles.
  11. AM got tonnes of firefishes you might want to add....
  12. OMG i love that ken lee's one!!!!!I watched it over and over to laught the crap out of me!!!
  13. Did you use a cup as a hiding spot?I might try to use it for my freshwater plecos as i didn't think of that....
  14. That day while i was stripping down my tank due to crashing as too much tangs died in there and washed my LRs with water and 3 worms died when i put the rocks in the pail which freaks me out.
  15. For me coral marine and ME is good as they are quite balanced just that Coral Marine got no trace elemnts in bottle so yeah ME is much better to invest.
  16. Try and build a refugium maybe?Use plastic tanks or i just dump my chaeto in betta box.
  17. Or you could try Fluval cheaper around 100-200.Is Canadian brand.Quite reliable as i am using it for my tank.No leakage and got a lot of filter media baskets.
  18. Wow still got people do my poll.I tried red sea salt,Marine Environment and Coral Marine.Now trying out using coralife.Their calcium they give is quite high.
  19. Lol i saw after i looked back........but there is some not no LS.A few only
  20. Some gobies maybe?A small one will do or maybe a clownfish,a school of banggais maybe too.....
  21. Lat time 25% every 3 weeks.If you are a maths type of person take everyone's total and average it out if possible.....
  22. Aquamarin at JK tank empty except a few LPS.I don't know when is the next shipment coming in.
  23. You may feed it when the lights are on as they can sense that the food is on it.Anyways what are your parameters?You said that it is showing skeleton which sometimes due to stress.....
  24. I can see some growth.....Me going to get zoas from GO around next shipment....
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