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My very humble 2.5 ft Tank


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  • SRC Member

Moved over from 2 foot without refugium since December 2002


Main Tank: 2.50 × 1.25 × 1.33 feet

Sump/Refugium: 2.00 × 1.25 × 1.25 feet


Total: 207 litres / 54 US gallons (about 90% filled = 187 litres / 49 US gallons)


Main Tank: #0 Coral Sand (approximately 1 inch)

Sump/Refugium: #0/1 Coral Sand (average approximately 4.5 inches)


Main Tank: 1 × 14,000K MH, 1 × Blue T5 tube

8 hrs per day (1800 – 0200hrs of the next morning)

Sump/Refugium: 1 × 10,000K PL tube

16 hrs per day (0200 – 1800hrs of the next morning)

Filtration (Mechanical, Biological/Natural and Chemical)

Main Tank Pump to Sump at 1600 litres/hour

1. Mechanically filtered by Fine and Coarse Wool

2. Runs over a Macro Algae Refugium with Deep Sand Bed (DSB)

3. Chemically filtered further by SeaChem’s PhosGuard, Purigen and


4. Pre-refugium protein skimming by H&S Protein Skimmer

Power Consumption (per month):


(1 × 150W × 8 hrs) × 0.7 e-ballast savings × 30 Days = 25,200 WH

(1 × 18W × 8 hrs) × 0.7 e-ballast savings × 30 Days = 3,024 WH

(1 × 36W × 16 hrs) × 0.7 e-ballast savings × 30 Days = 12,096 WH


(3 × 10W × 24 hrs) × 30 Days = 21,600 WH

H&S Protein Skimmer

(1 × 18W × 24 hrs) × 30 Days = 12,960 WH

Cost of Operation (Electrical, per month):

74.88 kWH × $0.16.51 = $12.36



01 Cardinal

01 Orchid Dottyback

01 Silk-Shot Goby

01 Pale Gudeon

01 Rocket Goby

01 Scooter Blenny

01 Bi-Colour Blenny

01 Unidentified Blenny


01 Cleaner Shrimps (Lysmata amboinesis)

01 Coral Banded Shrimp (Stenopus hispidus)

01 Zebra Hermit Crab

01 Top Shell Snails (Astrea tecta)

?? Bristle Worms (Hermodice carunculata)


Hammer Head Coral (Euphyllia fimbriata)

Mushrooms (Actinodiscus sp.)

Brown Button Polyps (Palythoa sp.)

Yellow Polyps (Parazoanthus axinellae)

Feather Duster Tube Worms (Sabella penicillus)

Coco Worms

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ur MH is wad brand bulb? :lol::lol::lol:

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To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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  • SRC Member

Haha... thanks for all the kind comments.

Why I don't have a chiller? :angel:

Yes, my lighting schedule is wierd cos I thought it'd be better to complement my at home/awake hours. It also means that I'll be in my room with aircon on. Chiller saved for now, till I get my own place and a BiGgEr Tank :D

As for the swordfighting... well, its what I've been seeing at LFS showtanks. I've been told that similar types of corals are quite ok. :whistle So far so good. They still look happy.

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