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  • SRC Member


just obtained a tiny frogfish (1 inch).

anybody has experience in feeding with such small frogfishes?

was adviced to try live brine but are there alternatives?

thanks for reading

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  • SRC Member

Frogfish are meant for alone only tanks. Cannot mix with any other fish, not even theri own kind. I've seen one that ate up a lionfish about 2/3 its size. So I think you don't have to worry about what to feed them.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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  • SRC Member

just obtained a tiny frogfish (1 inch).

anybody has experience in feeding with such small frogfishes?

was adviced to try live brine but are there alternatives?

thanks for reading

Live brine is not nutritious enough. Feed meaty frozen foods as well if it accepts those and at least enrich the brine with some vitamin supplements. DO YR HMWORK before buying fish! :pinch:

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  • SRC Member

Hi Phewbacca,

you can try feeding it with small fish u can buy from the supermarket at the seafood section. Silversides is good.

frogfish or angler will eat anything smaller or as big as it's size. Yr is 1" so it can eat fish smaller or equal to 1". So, for tankmates, chose those ard 2x bigger than it. U should handfeed it, they will be a very fun fish to have.

Wei :)

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Ooorrrr....so you are the one who bought the patchy red angler. I have 2 anglers (Agent White and Agent Red) myself and from my experience, they will not eat frozen fish. I feed mine with feeder mollies that I acclimatise in saltwater, feed them with flake food vitamins for a few weeks before feeding them to the anglers. I also feed my anglers with feeder shrimps...they can be acclimatised to live in saltwater too. Since your angler is so small, I guess you can only try brine shrimps and really small feeder shrimps. Becareful of your tank mates....keep only with peaceful fishes else they will be eaten or picked on and die since its so small. My first angler died from constant harassment from my porcupine, else they are really hardy.

Hope that helped.

Why all the venom? Reefing is just a hobby, dude.

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  • SRC Member

dudes, thanks for the advice.

have separated my frog to another tank and he is eating! :D

fed him baby guppies and he can really chow :yeah:

once again, thanks :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
hmmm i tink anglers r cool. too bad they cant be kept wif other fishes, otherwise can keep in a reef tank..... heard they r reef safe...

They will eat shrimp.

Most Freshwater/Euryhaline fish really aren't nutritious enough because they lack some vitamins found in marine fish but I suppose it helps if you enrich with vitamins.

And freshwater feeder shrimp cannot be acclimatised to saltwater. They just die slower, say taking 1/2 hour or more.

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They will eat shrimp.

Most Freshwater/Euryhaline fish really aren't nutritious enough because they lack some vitamins found in marine fish but I suppose it helps if you enrich with vitamins.

And freshwater feeder shrimp cannot be acclimatised to saltwater. They just die slower, say taking 1/2 hour or more.

Ermm...no leh. My shrimps can live for 2 weeks in saltwater. Yes, anglers are reefsafe.

Why all the venom? Reefing is just a hobby, dude.

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  • 9 months later...
  • SRC Member

cool.. where did you people get these frogfishes nowadays? :rolleyes:

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Hi Phewbacca, what is the colour of your frog? can tell me where you get them? I am looking for a small black one. :)

I have some frogs and I feed them with small feeder mollies. For the really small ones (~0.5 inches) I feed them live brine shrimps. They don't really fancy death stuffs, but I am in the process of training them to take fresh shrimp.

These fishes are very lazy, they will only eat when the fishes swim in front of them at the right position. Otherwise they seldom bother to chase the prey. But on occassions they do take some initiative to follow potential prey.

Have fun with the frog, they aren't terribly exciting but still fun to watch nevertheless...

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  • SRC Member
wah biang, dig out such an old thread :blink:

sorry if I dug out some old threads but I just want to know where people get these frogfishes?

Closes I saw was some frogfish relative @ Rainbow. They look like frogfishes but only yellow and hairlike thingy on their body. Priced @ $38. Anyway the shop called it Rockfishes, which I really doubt the name.

Anybody? Please? Thanks :).

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
talking about anglers, anyone tried keeping it with lions?

I bet it should work but you must have a much bigger Lion.. and lions to not eat any creatures thats too big.

Besides, these too species are lazy creatures, they'll both stay at their own corners.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
the problem is that my current lion is the most active i kept so far. it will chase his food.to think anglers are lazy, i will have problem feeding.it may end up all food eaten by my lion.

Ya, ya agreed. The anglers are so lazy that they will not even chase after their food. Need to "spoon feed" them, and chase away the lions (or probably any other predator) so that they can get the food. :P

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  • SRC Member

How do you guys train your anglers to chase the mollies?? Mine is so lazy! I have 2 giant anglers in a 4 footer and the mollies swim far from them. How do I get them to eat?? They dun even move for the kill. I have tried hand feeding but they like not interested! How to prevent them from starving to death?? :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
I bet it should work but you must have a much bigger Lion.. and lions to not eat any creatures thats too big.

Besides, these too species are lazy creatures, they'll both stay at their own corners.

My antenna lion was found missing one day (suddenly). But there was no evidence that my angler was the culprit. <_<

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