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hi all,

Singapore's recent victory in TC has clearly shown football is not all about technical skills. There are so many aspects of the game or any sports that never really been highlighted due to limited airtime and simply just-too-academica.

The game also emcompasses tactics, attitute and bit of luck. Elements that we all need to make it big in life. In china we cal it tian shi ti li ren he.

I do not know how many here have played football competitively.

Its not about how you win, but did you win? your pick: to lose undeservingly or to win ugly? history only records the champion.

most i-football gurus have more CM softwares than copa mundials. say less if you don't play the game because you will never understand the spirit behind, not even close with daily dose of EPL.

the s-league is modeled after the j-league. observe closely and you see how FAS approach is in tandem with the JFA 5-8 years behind.

well said. having played competitively when I was younger, I fully and whole heartedly agree to your statement.

I'm still a sportman. an armchair sportsman that is. :P

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i've seen too many of your type. they usually dream of the day they can pack their bags and leave for australia. they usually sit in their comfy armchairs and shoot off about the government and the coe, while watching espn and hbo with the air-con on.

Just because you are not mature enough to mix with the right crowd and end up with clowns like those you mentioned, dont go blaming other people for your Infantile selection of friends.


call me stupid but...

I don't see the word stupid in darren's post at all?

so what are you getting all hyped up about/over?

He didnt use the word Stupid, I did as a point of comparison..i.e. getting personal.My point to him was , lets keep the altercation on what it should be..FOOTBALL.

Dont go overboard and get personal...IF i wanted to be like him, I would have called him all that, but point is, I did not. So dont cast doubts on me as a SINGAPOREAN just because i express a different view on the football team.

Want to argue, sure but lets not get our national identity involved...or Malaysian or even Australian...OTHERWISE it might well degenerate into Raciasm even...

To Condemn people and stereocast people who migrate to Australia..isnt that Childish and WAY off the topic?

Think logically...how old is Darren?...60? 70 years old? He says he has SEEN TOO MANY of those sort of people...REALLY? .......Unadulterated and Unbiased view?..of a well travelled 70 year old?..maybe even older cos SEEN TOO MANY...

Anyway I digress, this TOPIC is on Singapore football...lets keep the arguments or whatever on what it should be...FOOTBALL...


malaysia cup is not too far away mah..

abbas, alister edward, fandi, sundram, malek, david lee, steven tan..

all 90s, and they won for us the Malaysia cup, which was more more tough.

consistency over several matches.

Fair point, No arguments there....that was a very good team...probably the most skillful football team even.

I stand corrected :P


Don't live on past glory!...in answer to...Think back to the Singapore team of the 70's

Damn....i knew i should never type an answer when im a bit busy...


Think back to the Singapore TEAMS of the 70's, 80's and 90"s.. :lol::lol:

Arguments, Rebuttals...like from BWILLY,...thats what the whole topic is about, should BE about even......FOOTBALL arguments and rebuttals that is...


I stay in Dix Road..quite happy..NO intention to migrate.

Watch ESPN..BUT support Liverpool...painful admission based on the way Liverpool is playing....

HBO?...waste time...better spent on Yoga

Goverment...My view in the office has always been very clear..MM Lee is the BEST things that has ever happen to Singapore.

My view on PM Lee Hsien Long has also been very clear..I support him, so what if he is the son..I dont see anything wrong...in fact, I think its GOOD, bcos MM Lee can give the best possible advise and guidance.

Coe?...if i can afford to drive a Lexus, whats a coe?..although I know there a people here who drive LOTUS...... :lol:

Comfy Armchair?...Crumpler Beanbag la....more comfy...

Moral of the RECORD?...Dont say get personal and say things about people you dont know...

Keep the topic on what its all about...FOOTBALL...and Marine Fishes.. :D

That means NO more talking about Gabrielle Sabatini, the Argentinian who always wear SHORT white skirts, white headband and ponytail....... :lol:

now now.. your opinion is that the win is a fluke. that the singapore soccer team sux.

my opinion is that i don't agree with your opinion(am i allowed to?) and that urs is a very pessimist and and can i say unpatriotic one. not supporting the local team is fine. that is hardy unpatriotic imho. but to go "ah you see.. they're sure to fail.. mark my words... they're rubbish(etc...)" to me.. is just shameful, as a singaporean.

well i'm not sure what are you trying to prove by providing the useful facts about where you live, that you drive a lexus, what cushions you use, etc... but the fact that u used terms like(just a quick sweep of your posts) "GROW UP", "STUPID", "INSULT", "talk ###### ", "REALLY STUPID", "REALLY REALLY STUPID ", "not mature enough", "Infantile", "moronic".... suggest to me, and perhaps everybody else reading this.. that you need the first advice you gave me "grow up" a little more than myself. ps: some of the terms are in caps because i copied and paste.

im actually quite surprised at your outburst, to say the truth. if i greatly offended you by questioning your national identity, i apologise. was it an old wound that i reopened thus the reaction? perhaps this is not the first time u've been accused of such... but anyway.... i am truely sorry :bow:

to most others, on my personal opinion of the cup victory, we have to remember that before the tournamant started, we were the ones who were supposed to be a team undergoing rebuilding. thus we were not given much of a chance. thailand, indonesia, or whichever signaled their intentions to win the trophy, suggesting confidence in the squad they have. its quite surprising that "thailand is in the process of rebuilding, therefore we managed to win the cup" is brought up as one of the possible reasons.

like someone mentioned, a win is a win. some teams play ugly football and win championships(the old arsenal perhaps?) some team plays beautiful attacking football and ends up in relegation dogfights on several occasions(newcastle perhaps). my point is, how does that matter? its not our fault that the other teams are weakened. (are ours not considered a weak team?) its not our fault when opposition's strikers left their shooting boots at home, or defence kayu. perhaps they don't play well because of the pressure the spore team is putting on them by the tight marking or hard running?

i've actually been quite impressed with agu. not so much with his goal scoring(he did score quite a bagful) but with his ball holding ability. he reminds me of a certain alan shearer!(thats very exagerating but u get the point) i struggle to remember any other strikers in the entire tiger cup tournament holding the ball up and being clever with the ball like he did in the entire tournament.

i dont see much wrong with greece's man-marking system too. they have their gameplan, stuck to it, n if it succeed, good for them. well im sure the greece ppl were not complaining when they lifted euro cup.

ps: is sabatini the lady with the really thick eye brows?

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seeing all the arguments..

some get excited over the win and foresee good times to come abt again..

some think its a one off fluke..

I belongs to the 2nd school of thoughts..

I have suffered numerous disappointment whenever Singapore loses in recent years.

A lousy team does not (remember humuliated at home ground 4-1 by Malaysia)

becomes a good team overnight.

Any time you put Portugal against Greece again, or play ten times home and

away basis. You see who can come out winning most of the time.

(of course in portugal case, you should not play with one striker all the time)

You can see small countries like Qatar, Saudi doing well in their soccer is because

their government truly support their soccer development.

Here in Singapore, S$10million cannot even buy a decent player in EPL, let alone develop the whole local soccer scene. Attaining 2010 is a dream that will never comes

true. Wonder which "innocent" went to believe it, only the bigwig start to wake up and realise the conditon of Singapore soccer, and scrap the whole idea.

Dream has to start, but start it realistically. If it will to be ASEAN champion consecutively, and qualify for Asian Cup, that I will believe. Looking at the bigwig, its the usual, talk much and don't do much. (money n development) Local soccer scene will stay as such, always one step slower than others.

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my opinion is that i don't agree with your opinion(am i allowed to?) and that urs is a very pessimist and and can i say unpatriotic one. not supporting the local team is fine. that is hardy unpatriotic imho. but to go "ah you see.. they're sure to fail.. mark my words... they're rubbish(etc...)" to me.. is just shameful, as a singaporean.

Sure, EVERYONE is allowed to have opinions...thats called a forum discussion. BUT irregardless of whether its criticism or constructive, its the opinion of a PERSON.

What has it got to do with being UNABLE TO RELATE TO ME AS A SINGAPOREAN?

Just bcos someone disagree with you , hes not a SINGAPOREAN?...

im actually quite surprised at your outburst, to say the truth. if i greatly offended you by questioning your national identity, i apologise. was it an old wound that i reopened thus the reaction? perhaps this is not the first time u've been accused of such... but anyway.... i am truely sorry

On one hand you say, you apologise...On the other hand, you sarcastically say old wound reopened....LOL

Very Interesting Lesson from you....How to deliver a POISON Apology....

Whats so hard to deliver a SINCERE apology if you mean it?


Please la, BWILLY made a fair point AGAINST me about the team of the 90's...

I agreed that he was correct and said unreservedly that I stand corrected...

What is so hard to apologise sincerely?

KISS was even more DIRECT...he said Don't live on past glory!

Sure, i could have argue about the past team....BUT did I?

Honestly and Fairly , I see his point..and accepted it....and even amended my statement.

Whats so hard to change your point if you're wrong?

well i'm not sure what are you trying to prove by providing the useful facts about where you live, that you drive a lexus, what cushions you use, etc..

Please la, READ your own post.....

You accuse me of wanting to migrate to Australia, etc...etc.

I was MERELY answering to you..POINT by POINT....correct?


I suggest you don't think too much. we're all entitled to our own opinion, and we're entitled to voice it out be it how vocal we are. likewise, we're also entitlted to look at it from one point of view. maybe you can sit back and look at it from another point of view?

Yup, EVERYONE is entitled to his/her views. No Arguments there.

You even TEKAN me:

one off? so what? kids like me, post 80s kids, no chance to enjoy the success of 70s soccer. so got to enjoy the success of the 21st century, lor......remember?

BUT did I take offense?..No

Am I unreasonable?

You TEKAN me second time:

call me stupid but...

I don't see the word stupid in darren's post at all?

so what are you getting all hyped up about/over?

BUT did I take offense?..No..I took the time to patiently explain to you my stand

Am I unreasonable?

BWILLY also TEKAN me: About the team of the 90's

BUT did I take offense?..No

I looked at his point and I AGREED he was right, and said I STAND CORRECTED.

Am I unreasonable?

KISS, wa he even more aggresive, and TEKAN me pointblank.

BUT did I take offense?...No

I looked at his point from another point of view and AMENDED my statement.

Am i unreasonable?

I take the effort to explain and disprove all of Darren's post..POINT by POINT..

BUT what does he do?..

All he does is stir more crap directly at me...

WHO is unreasonable?

Read all his post and mine with an OPEN mind....

1. Just bcos i pose a different view, he insinuates that I'm a lesser Singaporean?

Thats reasonable?..thats in the context of FOOTBALL discussion?

2. He then accuses me of being a runner to Australia...He EVEN speaks from his WIDE experience having SEEN TOO MANY...He doesnt even know me but BASED on his experience and my post...I'm Like That?....WOW... thats reasonable? thats fair? thats football?

Is he talking about FOOTBALL or is he being unreasonable in Attacking me personally?

Even now, I answer him point by point, he now comes up with ..EH? why you tell me where you stay har? What car you drive har? Obviously he doesnt even know what hes posting cos he can't even understand when im answering his post rite?

So who is reasonable and who is retaliating unreasonably?

Have I TEKAN anyone, besides DARREN? ..No..why? Bcos all of you who have TEKAN me have kept it to FOOTBALL...Thats reasonable

Have I apologised when I'm wrong..YES

Has Darren apologised? YES...POISON apology...

Have i attack Darren personally at all?...NO

All I have been doing is to explain HIS attacks on me POINT by POINT.

I have proven that, yes I can be like him and TEKAN but did I?

No i did not...

Patriotic to FOOTBALL team ..and Patriotic to SINGAPORE...


I may not be supportive to the FOOTBALL team

BUT I am most certaintly PATRIOTIC to SINGAPORE......big difference.....

Moderators...My apologies ....but I do hope you guys can understand.

Football TEKAN..i can accept....thats REASONABLE and FAIR

Personal, unreasonable attacks...big difference...

Anyway tihs will be my last post on this issue...

TIME to move on, and besides i cant keep spending my lunch-hour staying in and writing to this topic... :lol::lol::lol:

So anyone can say whatever they want about me, reasonable or unreasonable...not joking :lol: cos im not gonna visit this topic anymore :D:D

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  • SRC Member
hi all,

Singapore's recent victory in TC has clearly shown football is not all about technical skills. There are so many aspects of the game or any sports that never really been highlighted due to limited airtime and simply just-too-academica.

The game also emcompasses tactics, attitute and bit of luck. Elements that we all need to make it big in life. In china we cal it tian shi ti li ren he.

I do not know how many here have played football competitively.

Its not about how you win, but did you win? your pick: to lose undeservingly or to win ugly? history only records the champion.

most i-football gurus have more CM softwares than copa mundials. say less if you don't play the game because you will never understand the spirit behind, not even close with daily dose of EPL.

the s-league is modeled after the j-league. observe closely and you see how FAS approach is in tandem with the JFA 5-8 years behind.

well said bro! IMO this is the best comment in this thread thus far...

only people who play the game passionately would understand abt tactics,playing to strengths, build on the most basic foundation i.e defence and keepin SHAPE in a game... dats y in my previous post i mentioned most credits should go to the coach and his team... he instill this basic foundation in each and every one of our lions. and luck is definitely a factor in any team dat has won any tournaments.. greece had their luck. brazil had their luck in 2002 too! hell they nearly lost to turkey in their group game if only anybody remembered..

and im sure half of the people reading this thread wouldnt know what is copa mundial! :lol::lol:

history only record champion! and as far as facts are concerned well done lions of class 1998 and most recently class 2004/2005!

p.s. stop with the good ol msia cup days la guys... haizz.. the only thing dat spore (or should i say a SINGAPOREAN) achieved regionally is the fact that majid ariff is the only player selected to be in the ASIA's dream team...

oh ya n to bwilly, its sundram who scored the marvellous bicycle kick nt nazri.. :D

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  • SRC Member

my opinion is that i don't agree with your opinion(am i allowed to?) and that urs is a very pessimist and and can i say unpatriotic one. not supporting the local team is fine. that is hardy unpatriotic imho. but to go "ah you see.. they're sure to fail.. mark my words... they're rubbish(etc...)" to me.. is just shameful, as a singaporean.

Sure, EVERYONE is allowed to have opinions...thats called a forum discussion. BUT irregardless of whether its criticism or constructive, its the opinion of a PERSON.

What has it got to do with being UNABLE TO RELATE TO ME AS A SINGAPOREAN?

Just bcos someone disagree with you , hes not a SINGAPOREAN?...

im actually quite surprised at your outburst, to say the truth. if i greatly offended you by questioning your national identity, i apologise. was it an old wound that i reopened thus the reaction? perhaps this is not the first time u've been accused of such... but anyway.... i am truely sorry

On one hand you say, you apologise...On the other hand, you sarcastically say old wound reopened....LOL

Very Interesting Lesson from you....How to deliver a POISON Apology....

Whats so hard to deliver a SINCERE apology if you mean it?


Please la, BWILLY made a fair point AGAINST me about the team of the 90's...

I agreed that he was correct and said unreservedly that I stand corrected...

What is so hard to apologise sincerely?

KISS was even more DIRECT...he said Don't live on past glory!

Sure, i could have argue about the past team....BUT did I?

Honestly and Fairly , I see his point..and accepted it....and even amended my statement.

Whats so hard to change your point if you're wrong?

well i'm not sure what are you trying to prove by providing the useful facts about where you live, that you drive a lexus, what cushions you use, etc..

Please la, READ your own post.....

You accuse me of wanting to migrate to Australia, etc...etc.

I was MERELY answering to you..POINT by POINT....correct?


I suggest you don't think too much. we're all entitled to our own opinion, and we're entitled to voice it out be it how vocal we are. likewise, we're also entitlted to look at it from one point of view. maybe you can sit back and look at it from another point of view?

Yup, EVERYONE is entitled to his/her views. No Arguments there.

You even TEKAN me:

one off? so what? kids like me, post 80s kids, no chance to enjoy the success of 70s soccer. so got to enjoy the success of the 21st century, lor......remember?

BUT did I take offense?..No

Am I unreasonable?

You TEKAN me second time:

call me stupid but...

I don't see the word stupid in darren's post at all?

so what are you getting all hyped up about/over?

BUT did I take offense?..No..I took the time to patiently explain to you my stand

Am I unreasonable?

BWILLY also TEKAN me: About the team of the 90's

BUT did I take offense?..No

I looked at his point and I AGREED he was right, and said I STAND CORRECTED.

Am I unreasonable?

KISS, wa he even more aggresive, and TEKAN me pointblank.

BUT did I take offense?...No

I looked at his point from another point of view and AMENDED my statement.

Am i unreasonable?

I take the effort to explain and disprove all of Darren's post..POINT by POINT..

BUT what does he do?..

All he does is stir more crap directly at me...

WHO is unreasonable?

Read all his post and mine with an OPEN mind....

1. Just bcos i pose a different view, he insinuates that I'm a lesser Singaporean?

Thats reasonable?..thats in the context of FOOTBALL discussion?

2. He then accuses me of being a runner to Australia...He EVEN speaks from his WIDE experience having SEEN TOO MANY...He doesnt even know me but BASED on his experience and my post...I'm Like That?....WOW... thats reasonable? thats fair? thats football?

Is he talking about FOOTBALL or is he being unreasonable in Attacking me personally?

Even now, I answer him point by point, he now comes up with ..EH? why you tell me where you stay har? What car you drive har? Obviously he doesnt even know what hes posting cos he can't even understand when im answering his post rite?

So who is reasonable and who is retaliating unreasonably?

Have I TEKAN anyone, besides DARREN? ..No..why? Bcos all of you who have TEKAN me have kept it to FOOTBALL...Thats reasonable

Have I apologised when I'm wrong..YES

Has Darren apologised? YES...POISON apology...

Have i attack Darren personally at all?...NO

All I have been doing is to explain HIS attacks on me POINT by POINT.

I have proven that, yes I can be like him and TEKAN but did I?

No i did not...

Patriotic to FOOTBALL team ..and Patriotic to SINGAPORE...


I may not be supportive to the FOOTBALL team

BUT I am most certaintly PATRIOTIC to SINGAPORE......big difference.....

Moderators...My apologies ....but I do hope you guys can understand.

Football TEKAN..i can accept....thats REASONABLE and FAIR

Personal, unreasonable attacks...big difference...

Anyway tihs will be my last post on this issue...

TIME to move on, and besides i cant keep spending my lunch-hour staying in and writing to this topic... :lol::lol::lol:

So anyone can say whatever they want about me, reasonable or unreasonable...not joking :lol: cos im not gonna visit this topic anymore :D:D

dude, i suppose this is my last response, cos we seem to be going round and round. i have read all your so called "point by point" responses, hardly anyone of them seem to make any sense. nor do they answer any of the questions you are trying to answer. way back in school, our beloved teachers/tutors would call them "out of point, pls re-do)

to tell you the truth, that wasn't a apology. i simply don't feel you deserve one. not after all the childish and offending words u threw at me cos i questioned your attitude as a "singaporean". When GCT came up with the term "quitter", u didn't see the public or LKY or whoever else going.. (ah what were the terms u used on me? i'm too lazy to copy and paste again.) when your actions suggest that there is a problem with your attitude on a national scale(abeit on football related issues, and don't say football and politics has no relation, everybody who is matured enough know there are, thats why LHL himself has to bask in the glory a bit at takashimaya) anybody has the right to question your loyalty. no one has the right to say you are not a singaporean of cos(i nv did, if you read carefully).

it could have been a mature discussion on football/politics/whathaveyou. but it sunk into a ladies catfight right after u decide to do it your way for example:" did i say you are really really stupid? no i did not" (HAHA, i haven;t had this sort of attacks since what? primary school days?)

i will stop now.

darren, out.

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  • SRC Member

hi bro,

I suspect the constant reminising of the M cup of the 90s is also a worrying reflection of the people's pride as Singaporeans. never have we witnessed such level of euphoria and spontaneity since 94. the many propagandas like s21 and NDPs via media147 are peanuts compared to the REAL DEAL.

Watching a game with 55k is just simply sweet.

no mock-ups, no wayang, no bloody priced expolsives, no scholarly acts.

just plain expletives. i think the best part of any game is the stroll with thousands from kallang mrt in the atmosphere of anticipation.

We should play a testimonial match SG vs MY every year.

1st leg @SG 9 Aug

2nd leg@MY 31 Aug

You can't win beautifully all the time. cheers~

SM GCT & co tried too hard to cough out 'terms and label' in every national day rally. remember the cosmopolitan-heartlanders and quitter-stayer? now, they are saying those who left can be as nationalistic.

keep the contributing my friends.

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  • SRC Member

what deflection off shoulder? dat was in 1998 bro...

dis is what happen when people who doesnt even follow local soccer suddenly came up with comments just meant to put the lions down... why does it matter off which part of the body the goal came from? off the shoulder to me is definitely better than off the hand (hand of god). if maradona can be damn proud of what he did. y cant we do the same? at least ours is legal.. what about the journey to the final? u mean all goals leading up to the final is just as lucky?

the 4-0 (nt 4-1 :lol: )defeat at hm was in 2002 bro... nw is 2005.. what u mean overnight? teams can change tremendously in a few yrs bro...think leeds.. n if u follow local soccer u should noe dat the team dat lost to msia in 2002 is very different frm the current team in term of players...

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  • SRC Member

i got the same thot as u...but hmm how come our s'pore team celebrate like they won the world cup :shock: so that is the limit they can go only? did they realised that they have yet to qualify for the asia cup...not to mention the world cup.. ;)

Seriously said, i don't really see them played very well on this tiger cup...in fact, they lost to Myanmar in the return semi but they said they have not lost a game :shock::shock:

bro... when did they lost to myanmar? :blink::blink: at the national stadium? they won 4-2 bro... :D and the first leg they won 4-3..


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You even TEKAN me:

one off? so what? kids like me, post 80s kids, no chance to enjoy the success of 70s soccer. so got to enjoy the success of the 21st century, lor......remember?

BUT did I take offense?..No

Am I unreasonable?

You TEKAN me second time:

call me stupid but...

I don't see the word stupid in darren's post at all?

so what are you getting all hyped up about/over?

BUT did I take offense?..No..I took the time to patiently explain to you my stand

Am I unreasonable?

I tekan you?

I was referring to myself, the kid of the 80s.

tekan you? I was calling myself stupid!

I seriously wonder if you can comprehend simple language syntaxes or not. none of those post were directed at you, but at myself. yet you sorta ventured on and said it was directed to you.

oh well.

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  • SRC Member
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

i was there at the stadium...

bro.. im a FOOTBALL FAN nt a BETTING fan.. as far as football game is concerned the final score INCLUDES the extra time in case u din noe... i don give two hoots bout the betting game...

if that will make you happy...okie loh, "Lion win.Lion No 1 in the World" :eyebrow::eyebrow::eyebrow:

Hmm...Lion Fan :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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i thot this was a thread celebrating singapore's victory? why become like that? greece sucks.

okay Greece sucks.

just because they play practical football to achieve their aims, they suck.

just because they play the way that would ensure they don't get slaughtered, they suck.


they suck okay? :rolleyes:

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what deflection off shoulder? dat was in 1998 bro...

dis is what happen when people who doesnt even follow local soccer suddenly came up with comments just meant to put the lions down... why does it matter off which part of the body the goal came from? off the shoulder to me is definitely better than off the hand (hand of god). if maradona can be damn proud of what he did. y cant we do the same? at least ours is legal.. what about the journey to the final? u mean all goals leading up to the final is just as lucky?

the 4-0 (nt 4-1 :lol: )defeat at hm was in 2002 bro... nw is 2005.. what u mean overnight? teams can change tremendously in a few yrs bro...think leeds.. n if u follow local soccer u should noe dat the team dat lost to msia in 2002 is very different frm the current team in term of players...

nabez.. I was talking abt 98 one lah..

harlo, if you win, do it in glory.. if u do it by underhand, you tik ppl will enjoy..?

if not I won't mention the win in shame n talk abt the shoulder deflection.

ask the bugger to try the deflection goal again lah.

Maradona did admit hand of god, is actual fact his own decision lah..

n yes, myanmar did win the match on Singapore home ground.

only Singapore came back during extra due to the numeric advantage.

all game is depend 90mins + injury time.

extra time does not take into consideration for betting unless you bet

on overall results on who enter the final. this applies all worldwide, kid... !!

here away goals does not count as two, if not Singapore will go thru on away goal.

not much people support Greece for the way they play, but for a underdog being a Euro champion for a change.

I used to follow 15+ over years ago.. nabez.. I dun follow local scene today, if wat u meant, but used to, u must says properly.. u din read my formerly thread, all the ex-national players names come from where kid??!!

the ministers has woke up n scrap the 2010 goal, except u..

u gay, dun pcc, all the sp***m goes up your brain is it.. ? :evil:

the current batch of players are worst lot than the past.

did you see them cutting n running at opposition defences at will??

more like struggle than slog.

u want to flame flame properly n do research first. don't follow your heart, but the brain.

you can walk alone with your loser liverfools..

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  • SRC Member

nabez.. I was talking abt 98 one lah..

harlo, if you win, do it in glory.. if u do it by underhand, you tik ppl will enjoy..?

if not I won't mention the win in shame n talk abt the shoulder deflection.

ask the bugger to try the deflection goal again lah.

Maradona did admit hand of god, is actual fact his own decision lah..

n yes, myanmar did win the match on Singapore home ground.

only Singapore came back during extra due to the numeric advantage.

all game is depend 90mins + injury time.

extra time does not take into consideration for betting unless you bet

on overall results on who enter the final. this applies all worldwide, kid... !

here away goals does not count as two, if not Singapore will go thru on away goal.

not much people support Greece for the way they play, but for a underdog being a Euro

champion for a change.

I used to follow 15+ over years ago.. nabez.. don't follow today or wat u meant. says

properly.. u din read my formerly thread, all the ex-national players names come from where kid??!!

the current batch of players are worst lot than the rest.

did you see them cutting n running at opposition defences at will??

more like struggle than slog.

u want to flame flame properly n do research first. don't follow your heart, but the brain.

you can walk alone with your loser liverfools..

This thread is a joke

Archie, click away and close it please.

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  • SRC Member

nabez.. I was talking abt 98 one lah..

harlo, if you win, do it in glory.. if u do it by underhand, you tik ppl will enjoy..?

if not I won't mention the win in shame n talk abt the shoulder deflection.

ask the bugger to try the deflection goal again lah.

Maradona did admit hand of god, is actual fact his own decision lah..

n yes, myanmar did win the match on Singapore home ground.

only Singapore came back during extra due to the numeric advantage.

all game is depend 90mins + injury time.

extra time does not take into consideration for betting unless you bet

on overall results on who enter the final. this applies all worldwide, kid... !!

here away goals does not count as two, if not Singapore will go thru on away goal.

not much people support Greece for the way they play, but for a underdog being a Euro champion for a change.

I used to follow 15+ over years ago.. nabez.. I dun follow local scene today, if wat u meant, but used to, u must says properly.. u din read my formerly thread, all the ex-national players names come from where kid??!!

the ministers has woke up n scrap the 2010 goal, except u..

u gay, dun pcc, all the sp***m goes up your brain is it.. ? :evil:

the current batch of players are worst lot than the past.

did you see them cutting n running at opposition defences at will??

more like struggle than slog.

u want to flame flame properly n do research first. don't follow your heart, but the brain.

you can walk alone with your loser liverfools..


sibeh farnie...

i sae glimpses of our old bwilly!!!


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  • SRC Member
p.s. stop with the good ol msia cup days la guys... haizz.. the only thing dat spore (or should i say a SINGAPOREAN) achieved regionally is the fact that majid ariff is the only player selected to be in the ASIA's dream team...

does that means that Fandi playing in Europe and scoring against Inter Milan is a fluke?


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  • SRC Member

nabez.. I was talking abt 98 one lah..

harlo, if you win, do it in glory.. if u do it by underhand, you tik ppl will enjoy..?

if not I won't mention the win in shame n talk abt the shoulder deflection.

ask the bugger to try the deflection goal again lah.

Maradona did admit hand of god, is actual fact his own decision lah..

n yes, myanmar did win the match on Singapore home ground.

only Singapore came back during extra due to the numeric advantage.

all game is depend 90mins + injury time.

extra time does not take into consideration for betting unless you bet

on overall results on who enter the final. this applies all worldwide, kid... !!

here away goals does not count as two, if not Singapore will go thru on away goal.

not much people support Greece for the way they play, but for a underdog being a Euro champion for a change.

I used to follow 15+ over years ago.. nabez.. I dun follow local scene today, if wat u meant, but used to, u must says properly.. u din read my formerly thread, all the ex-national players names come from where kid??!!

the ministers has woke up n scrap the 2010 goal, except u..

u gay, dun pcc, all the sp***m goes up your brain is it.. ? :evil:

the current batch of players are worst lot than the past.

did you see them cutting n running at opposition defences at will??

more like struggle than slog.

u want to flame flame properly n do research first. don't follow your heart, but the brain.

you can walk alone with your loser liverfools..


u watch football for the sake of football or betting? what does it matter what the betting rules are?? the fact is spore won the game 4 goals to 2.. doesnt matter how many players they play against or whatsoever...

i read ur prev posts too la old man.. U"RE the one who should get ur facts rite... its v.sundramoorthy who scored the bicycle kick against brunei nt nazri la old man!

where n when did i ever say that goal 2010 is achievable? pls don put words into my mouth.. i was celebrating the lions success this recently ended tiger cup. hell i don even think they gonna be amongst the top 10 team in asia in 2010! all im saying is people should just give credit where credit is due... once again im asking this.. for all the so called great spore team of yesteryears.. what have they won?? numerous MALAYSIA cup? against teams likes selangor? terengganu? pahang? come on la...

if u watch football 15 yrs back then u shud juz comment on that era la... u admitted urself ur nt following local football nimore, so whats with the comments without any research whatsoever?? who's the one nt using the brain?

"u want to flame flame properly n do research first. don't follow your heart, but the brain" :huh:

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