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Royal Gramma Vs Brazillian Gramma

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  • SRC Member

we just bought a royal gramma recently.. :D

but while flipping through a 'marine textbook' we found that its more likened to the brazillian gramma, more pastel/sweeter colors.

the coloration of the royal gramma is more similar to the royal dottyback (dunno if i got name right) and the separation of the yellow and purple is more distinct than the brazillian.

anyone can clarify? does it mean the brouhaha over the recent shipment of 'royal grammas' is actually 'brazillian gramma'. or r they the same. someone please enlighten? thanks


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After matching the ones found in LCK with pics found in several books and magazines...I think the one a lot of people bought recently is a brizilian gramma more than a royal gramma. The eyes are the most distinct feature that separates the fishes... can check it out... :)

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I assumed most are aware that LCK stock is that of Gramma Brasiliensis and not Gramma Loreto from the Caribbeans.

G. Loreto has a deep purple and bright yellow colouration. Unless you have seen one of these, you would be able to tell the difference. Henry from MLH has a giant in his show tank, you should be able to spot one in Jeffery Ling's clam picture.

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nah...still a good price for a really nice fish......no regrets...I still think the brasilian gramma is a cool fish...I like the way it opens up his jaws to frighten the damsel away.... :D

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  • SRC Member

Hmm agree brazilian one quite nice looking and i also like the way they open their jaws... but althought they show they are fierce but end up hiding away.... when my damsel swim off.. they appear... when my damsel ###### it hide... hmm...

it sort of look like dottyback but the eye is different and the color divider is more distinct on the dottyback isst..?

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I only differentiate between dottyback (which I have also) from gamma.

the dorsal for gamma is coloured n there's no white line seperate

the two colour tone.

my gamma also quite fierce leh.. open jaws to scare the damsels away.

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