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peacemaker's office nano 2


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Added some new corals... :whistle

eh bro,

i tot i saw some flatworms on the stripe mushroom... can correct me if i am wrong.. but if it is, better do something before they spread..


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  • SRC Member
Hi peacemaker,

Well done! I would suggest to take out that worm before it gets too large. Btw, nice mushrooms!



Thank you for your advice! As for the worm, I'm not sure if its still there... should be able to track it by looking at the tunnels... :ph34r:

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  • SRC Member
eh bro,

i tot i saw some flatworms on the stripe mushroom... can correct me if i am wrong.. but if it is, better do something before they spread..

Wow... you have sharp eyes... I still can't tell from the pics, but I will do a thorough spot check tmr. Thanks for the early warning!

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  • SRC Member

Better to get rid of flat worms, before they start multiplying. I had an attack of flatworms a few years ago on my yumas. Tried searching the net for a solution but couldn't find any, so I tried removing them manually with a tweezer. Damaged a few yumas as the tweezer was sharp but never saw the worms again since.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member
Better to get rid of flat worms, before they start multiplying. I had an attack of flatworms a few years ago on my yumas. Tried searching the net for a solution but couldn't find any, so I tried removing them manually with a tweezer. Damaged a few yumas as the tweezer was sharp but never saw the worms again since.

Yup! Will do. If only someone invented some kind of reef safe insecticide... :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

I read on a thread in Nano-Reef that one method of removing flatworms is to shone light at one part of the tank when its totally dark for a few hours. The flatworms will become attracted to the lights.

You have to siphon them out.

Not much use to you since yours is an office tank, but I hope it might help those who are trying to get rid of them too.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member
I read on a thread in Nano-Reef that one method of removing flatworms is to shone light at one part of the tank when its totally dark for a few hours. The flatworms will become attracted to the lights.

You have to siphon them out.

Not much use to you since yours is an office tank, but I hope it might help those who are trying to get rid of them too.

I managed to pick a few out with a pair of sharp tweezers. I still can't really tell whether they are flatworms or not, but its just brownish in colour.

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  • SRC Member
I managed to pick a few out with a pair of sharp tweezers. I still can't really tell whether they are flatworms or not, but its just brownish in colour.

Becareful not to injure the mushies with your tweezers. The worms are really fast once try your attack so you gotta be quick. Look out for a brown line moving. They'll take cover under the mushies so its quite hard get them.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member

Sneaky little fellas... my hunt will continue until I get every single one of them out of my tank! I almost caught another nuisance crab today... he was waving his pincer at me, hiding behind one of my zoas... that bugger. I'll get him one of these days... :evil:

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Bah... my skimmer decided to die on me... had to get a replacement. It suddenly stopped producing bubbles after a wash. <_< Can't really complain much, since its a 2nd hand skimmer and I've used it for quite some time. I got the same model from Petmart at a very reasonable price and fired it up today.


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  • SRC Member

i've been staring at this pic for 2 days, still can't spot any bad stuff on the mushrooms! like playing game like that haha..

hows the flatworm eradication coming along.. :)

nice rics, and i spot some eagle eyes.. :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
i've been staring at this pic for 2 days, still can't spot any bad stuff on the mushrooms! like playing game like that haha..

hows the flatworm eradication coming along.. :)

nice rics, and i spot some eagle eyes.. :eyebrow:

Hahaha... something like Photo Hunt in the arcades? :upsidedown:

I haven't seen anymore flatworms, but I have to confess that I'm hunting with untrained eyes... I have a keen sight for nuisance crabs though... I nearly caught another one the other day. This time, it escaped, minus a leg and a pincer. :pinch::evil:

The new rics are doing very well. Now growing quite fat. I'm currently sourcing for a good camera (other than DSLRs) that could take good pictures of the corals. A salesman was demonstrating Sony's T70 with zero focus distance, and using a dollar note, he was able to get a very sharp focus on the details under macro mode. If anyone is using this camera, pls kindly share some photos? Many thanks!

I didn't know that little zoa frag are eagle eyes until I saw them from other tank threads. They have been with me for quite awhile now, and the colours are still very intense. Love this little bunch. :paiseh:

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  • SRC Member
Hahaha... something like Photo Hunt in the arcades? :upsidedown:

I haven't seen anymore flatworms, but I have to confess that I'm hunting with untrained eyes... I have a keen sight for nuisance crabs though... I nearly caught another one the other day. This time, it escaped, minus a leg and a pincer. :pinch::evil:

The new rics are doing very well. Now growing quite fat. I'm currently sourcing for a good camera (other than DSLRs) that could take good pictures of the corals. A salesman was demonstrating Sony's T70 with zero focus distance, and using a dollar note, he was able to get a very sharp focus on the details under macro mode. If anyone is using this camera, pls kindly share some photos? Many thanks!

I didn't know that little zoa frag are eagle eyes until I saw them from other tank threads. They have been with me for quite awhile now, and the colours are still very intense. Love this little bunch. :paiseh:

ya lor, machiam photo hunt.. brings back childhood memories.. haha..

that poor crab haha still kenna attack by u until so jialat.. :lol::lol::lol:

i use my hp to take macro shots before i borrowed a digi cam from a fren to take macro shots.. im very newbie to camera stuff.. haha.. took me quite some time to get used to playing with the white balance, and focal length and stuff.. :) good luck in ur search! will be looking forward to more breathtaking shots! :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
ya lor, machiam photo hunt.. brings back childhood memories.. haha..

that poor crab haha still kenna attack by u until so jialat.. :lol::lol::lol:

i use my hp to take macro shots before i borrowed a digi cam from a fren to take macro shots.. im very newbie to camera stuff.. haha.. took me quite some time to get used to playing with the white balance, and focal length and stuff.. :) good luck in ur search! will be looking forward to more breathtaking shots! :eyebrow:

Heh... no mercy for nuisance crabs! I did pick out what appears to be a "dead" crab shell yesterday, but I can't really tell if it is just molting. <_< No missing pincer on this one though... rats... there could be more hiding.

I've tried quite a few cameras, and so far the semi-pro cam that I borrowed from my friend gave the best results. The first 2 pages are taken by it. Was a Canon camera, but not sure of the model. Samsung digi cam gave a decent colour contrast. My camera HP wasn't too bad either (Sony Ericsson K810, 3.2 mega pixels), but I still couldn't achieve the desired focus and colour that I see in many tank threads. Very tempted to get a DSLR, but I'm afraid its a spur-of-a-moment impulse buying. I'm quite sure I'll grow tired someday lugging a heavy camera. Sigh...

Well, the other alternative is to get extremely striking gems to make photo taking a lot easier! :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

This is taken with the Samsung camera. Have a tiny tubeworm with a yellow crown on the left... there's someone selling a live rock with lots of tubeworms at 3 digits... wonder how much mine is worth. :P


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