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Everything posted by yourdi3

  1. Keeping clowns to breed or scared kenna whack ah?
  2. Yah need to keep a few fishes n constantly add bacteria to enchance algae growth. And also lighting needs to be strong. But when u have alage u wish nv to have it.hehehe
  3. Use an unused credit n scrape off the glass wall lor.part and parcel of marine fish
  4. Yup looks like coraline aglae is growing on ur live rocks.
  5. Yup me too runnung bio pellets and cheato n rowa phos at the same time
  6. Hahaha yah lor but if u looking for premium then GO if normal colouration then pasir ris farms can le. Buy 1 piece from GO maybe can buy 2-3pieces from pasir ris if lucky
  7. Bro any pics of ur black sun when polys open?
  8. Probably only thing is look for derrick 97979910 if not means have to look for the Artica distributor in SG. Worse case is change new chiller
  9. so far UV and garlic soaking with brine shrimp helps.
  10. sometimes stressed and still new to surroundings. If not change 20% water and feed garlic with brine shrimp. let it build its immune system
  11. QT is the best method for saving and helping n keeping healthy fishes.
  12. Very nice and healthy looking corals
  13. Wah bro ur tank very nicely done up. how much did u spend ah bro
  14. Yah so far my Purple Tang twice ICH attack so far twice also recover after garlic n soaked brine shrimp
  15. Bro how much roughly did u pay for ur ro/di set? Possible to post a photo of how ur set looks like
  16. Heard it will affect also. Should cover ur tanks if possible if not later too pate ler if have casualties
  17. So far about $50-$60 increase since using the chiller. But we all know this hobby is not cheap lor? Want nice fish n corals have to invest ....
  18. Sorry to say but so far tried to buy sea water from I***** their water seriously cannot make it 2 times bought n change water 2 casualties. Best solution is still "Life" brand plus salt mix
  19. agree with what bro chercm is saying but head ro/di also have to waste money in order to get the pure water leh bro
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