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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. I see. Can add more colorful lps once ur tank stabilize.
  2. That’s quite a collection of softies.
  3. Pretty cool idea using frag zone rubbles to build ur rockscape.
  4. More information about ur tank specs and equipments used will be nice. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Are u running any chiller for this nano?
  6. Very interesting, camping here to see how ur high tech gears works.
  7. I’m also a scoly lover, luv ur collection of master grade Spirograph Scollies.
  8. What a beauty.... looked like those from the web whose designer name is homewrecker. Nice acquisition!
  9. Wah...so colorful, what is this piece called? A. Tenuis?
  10. Yes, definitely possible if u take good care of it.
  11. Small crocea from AM from 1-2yrs back, big squamosa from SA like 4-5yrs ago.
  12. Night shot doesn’t do justice to my tank....tune up my whites & intensity. Shifted away that frag rack that in the way too.
  13. Amid circuit breaker period and also Labour day, on a rainy cold nite, it’s so boring..... so fortunate still can admire my tank....lol Just taken this night shot with my iPhone with yellow filter.
  14. Very nice sps collection, bro.
  15. Thanks for the advise and for patronizing my thread. Will continuing sharing and update my thread.
  16. It is always exciting during tank setup phrase. Enjoy ur Reefing journey!!
  17. Very nice to see how ur reef has developed since the last time i’ve met u, bro. And yes, totally agreed with u on wire management. To this day I’m still having problems with it, Haha.
  18. There’s other clean up crew that eats algae. Tangs maybe can’t reach hard to reach, tiny and confined spaces.
  19. Thanks, will do. Occasionally the bigger tangs still chase the gem tang becos he’s the smallest of all even though he at slightly bigger than 3” in length.
  20. Very innovative idea to come up with such design.
  21. Nice read and sharing of ur experience.
  22. Last post of the day, just taken with my camera phone with a gradual yellow filter lens. Can’t resist the color. Who say green can’t be nice?? Bought as candlelight but seem like something more special like Pikachu or Wolverine. Fts to end this lazy rainy Sunday, Unedited photo with my phone.
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