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  • SRC Member
:cry: As far as i am in concern, i have zero causalties in my tank so far. As much as we can, we are making efforts to create the environment as close to the ocean as possible...Thats why this club is here to share experience to minimise the casualties....Even underwater world has casualties...can you deny that?Sometimes,being kept in capivity means higer chances of survival than in ocean. If not close down the zoo also?They have successfully bred some endangered species.
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i think too extreme a view lah..

u might as well say..

(Hey u fellows .. . STOP IT


All you humans are wiping out the earth .

Do god a favor . .

go to the moon and stay instead of polluting Earth's natural resources...

so sad .. . .. . . .)

even so, we humans can't eradicate irresponsible behaviour...we can only minimise it.... :nc:

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  • SRC Member

He may be of concern... n his concern is not totally wrong.

But on the other hand, those who have this as a hobby must have realise by now that the sea is very, very fragile. We have to do alot and alot of balancing n replacement of use elements like calicum...

We have learned to appreciate how fragile is our nature. If we are not in it, it is a mere head knowledge. Just look at the rubbish thrown around our beaches.

In return to our mother nature, i'm very sure none of us here will throw waste like plastic bags into the ocean. Thereby, doing our part to preserve the ocean.

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  • SRC Member


i would advise you to :

1) Stop buying newspaper/magazines/furniture/books as you are depleting the forest of much needed trees. Do you know that it takes 60000 trees just to distribute a sunday edition of the New York Times?

2) Do not use Lights/Aircon/Electircal appliances as this require fuel to generate and fuel will only pollute the air with its bi-products

3) Do not drive a car as it is a direct source of pollution that is slowly killing the earth

4) Dont take the bus as doing so will contribute to the demand of the service and SBS has to cater more buses which will burn more diesel which is very very bad in terms of pollution of the air we breath in..

In some way , we are learning about the seas and what it takes to sustain life in the ocean and how delicately balanced the whole thing is. When the young and old see our reef tanks, it will contribute to the awareness of how lovely the seas are and how much it is a part of our life even tho we dont see it every day. Its education.... those nemo-crazy trend excluded of course.


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  • SRC Member

What a stupid Post. seriously. I Have posted some real stupid posts. And this is the stupidest i ever seen.

U dont seem to understand. that the aim of this hobby is not to kill your pets.

u can go down to the fish market on sunday with some kerosene and set fire to their stalls

P.S waiting for AT to come in with this underlined READ THIS :P :P

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  • SRC Member

What alpha say is correct.. Why dont you stop eating too, killing animals for food. Dont eat vegie also, dont wear clothes cos you are contributing to deforest-station. Dont bath, dont PEE, Dont SHIT cos poluting the sea. LAST OF ALL DONT TALK COS YOU POLLUTING THE AIR!

PS. SHARK GET A LIFE!! If you are against this hobby, you shouldnt be in this forum. :angry::angry:

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  • SRC Member

Should I move this to Kopitiam?


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http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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  • SRC Member
Hey u fellows .. .  STOP IT


This reef thingy is wiping out the ocean's supply ..  .

Do god a favor . . 

go to Sentosa to view instead of having to replicate at home and kill . .. . . .

so sad .. . .. . . .

That's the whole reason for Sgreefs.And to push the hobby into the future by home propagation and breeding projects till one day there will be no need for wild collections . (with the amount of pollution now,worldwide bleaching...there will be no more reefs in 50yrs)

where were you when nemo started, it caused more deaths than anything else in the hobby. <_< LFS giving the wrong advise etc...

and BTW, sentosa has already come under public scrutiny for it's dolphins being kept and forced to do tricks in captivity .

And they don't do it for free as public information u know.

To a point the statement is true for those who keep going the buy,die,buy,die way . a little more knowledge will stop that and that's the whole point.

Answering an anger question with an anger answer makes no sense..and turns into flames.

i don't think u guys need to get uptight abt these questions or comments...in the months or years to come in this hobby you will get this thrown to you many many times by ppl who don't understand Or know how many thousands you spent trying to provide the best for them or sleepless nights when something goes wrong.

Don't let this get blown up into another bickering issue.


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  • SRC Member

he dont even dare to reply anymore...

there no way we can stop ppl frm collecting coral no way to stop this from happening... the only thing we can do is to provide a gd environment for them... and try to make them grow nicer and better... why dont SHARK you go and F*** the Goverment... they are the one tat destroy also.. the reclaim land... without removing the coral.. just buried them alive.. dump sand into the sea.. this and tat .. dont u tink its better to have them in our tank safe? ... dont tink u r Great..... my lecturer in SP has been keeping marine for 10yrs.. and that day he just SCREW tat so called environmentalist... Talking nonsense..keep saying wan to protect this and that...TALK ONLY la no ACTION!!!...

how much u noe abt Marinestuff... compare to the senior reefers here?? they provide the corals fishes with GD environment.... but not destroying and kill them..

pls dun be childish...

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  • SRC Member

There is a theory that 1 day a majority of the coral reefs will be destroyed by the changing patterns of the weather caused by the destruction and pollution by Man.

Like in Matrix. Agent Smith mentioned that humans are a virus that destroys the host. This is entirely true.

So if anyone wants to get righteous, start doing sumthings and not TALK only. Join the WWF and various other org that strives to protect nature as a whole.

Save the Sharks will be a very very good starting point. Lets all pledge that we will stop eating sharksfin soup and eductae the ppl around us to stop eating them too?

What say you guys?

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  • SRC Member

shark, relax, a growing population of conscientious aquarists will prove to be a strong ally against overfishing and deterioration of the world's reefs. we learn through our mistakes, so we can pass on our experience and prevent other ppl from making the mistakes. through this hobby, we learn how to appreciate the marine life even more. therefore please do not view the situation in such a myopic way. :)

moreover, now there are tank raised fishes and aqua-cultured clams. why do we have them now? it is because ppl like us ventured into this hobby , therefore they realised the problem of overfishing and started rearing clams and other fishes.

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