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Everything posted by engineer

  1. There will be a small shipment of SPS & LPS this friday at GO. Stay tune
  2. how difficult are they to start feeding?
  3. 3 to 5 polyps? Took you how long to mulitpy to these?
  4. didn't know that sand dollar could climb the walls.
  5. try dosing iodide and trace element
  6. Nice colouration on the fishes
  7. I like the concept of having a 'viewing window' of your sump. Interesting!!
  8. used to have a spiny lobster in my tank. not reef safe, will snatch food from coral
  9. Abalone abd snails are good helpers in my nano tank. Hermit crab really disturb coral when they crawl around.
  10. My PT and YT had been fighting since intro but recently seems to have lessen the fight period.
  11. try directing your wavemaker to blow most of your dirt to a particular corner of your tank and when you do maintenance, it will be easier and less headache
  12. sandstorm will only make your water more cloudy and frustrated.
  13. How many nubibranch u have in your tank?
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