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Clementi 328 - 6 Footer Tank

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guys tell me if u agree with me here...businessmen and women are out to make money right?if u all were businessmen would u like if someone talk bad things about u and put words in your mouth that you would and will not say?tell me man...

nobody said businessmen shouldn't make money, but as consumers we are concerned with price and service. as forumers we state with no prejudice our experiences with the above. blue lobster for example rebutted with his OWN experience. I doubt there's any "putting words in their mouths". if you explored your premise logically that those who bad mouthed the LFS do so slanderously, to the extent of lying about what actually transpired or was said, then logically those who similarly say good things are liable to have lied.

seems to me you're not here as a forumer, but as a businessman.

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hoppinghippos; i went down to polyart and jimmy told me about this ben guy and jimmy told me that this ben guy here is sprouting nonsense bout him and that he never said those thing to this ben...i'm not siding with anybody but i'm a regular there and i dun really care bout discount and all but i think that that jimmy is not that despicable-fake-or a non-experience businessmen as to what has been written in the forum throughout this few mths..

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if u're talking bout posting through experience at respected shop that we consumers go to...can the experience be real

? maybe it can also be just a make up experience just to ..u know create an exciting topic to write in the forum like in this case ' ben & jimmy' :eyebrow:

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Guys, please know your limits. I will not and cannot stop people from sharing their experiences. Or even their point of views. SRC is not a communist state. :D

However, if you have experiences to share, please back it up truthfully and daringly because if the owner of the LFS wish to take issue with you, you ought to be man enough to stand by every word you say.

Yet even in a court of law, you have to be proven guilty before you are sentenced.

Remember, the terms and conditions for use of the SRC forums... I am not liable for your personal views and opinions. If you wish to openly criticise any LFS, then prepared to be identified and be contactable... if you wish to remain behind a nick, then please be sensible and censor yourself or use very vague descriptions, so its everyone's guess. ;)

I trust everyone here is mature enough.


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Guys, please know your limits. I will not and cannot stop people from sharing their experiences. Or even their point of views. SRC is not a communist state. :D

However, if you have experiences to share, please back it up truthfully and daringly because if the owner of the LFS wish to take issue with you, you ought to be man enough to stand by every word you say.

Yet even in a court of law, you have to be proven guilty before you are sentenced.

Remember, the terms and conditions for use of the SRC forums... I am not liable for your personal views and opinions. If you wish to openly criticise any LFS, then prepared to be identified and be contactable... if you wish to remain behind a nick, then please be sensible and censor yourself or use very vague descriptions, so its everyone's guess. ;)

I trust everyone here is mature enough.


This remind of my friends, who he mass email to all his friends about bad services of a local company. Company sue him for lost of business and he got into deep ShiX.

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well like I say... know your limit..

just have a gentle highlight of which LFS provide bad service or more ex will do.. dont need to go into great detail.. we all know..

if u cant stand it can pm all of us.. we dont mind read it.. hehehe

anyway instead of commenting why not just talk about which LFS is gd and provide gd pricing.. like that both member of this club and shop owner also happy...

win win situtation....

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Personally, I feel that there is no point in arguing whether a LFS is good or bad. Just tell your own experience (to vent out a bit of anger) and forget about it.

Different people will have different experience with LFS (even the same one). You may be at the LFS when the boss is in good mood so you say the LFS is good but I may be in the LFS when the boss is in bad mood. You may be at the LFS when the LS just arrives and I may be there when all the LS is all sold.

So who is to say a LFS is good or bad?

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i went there few weeks back. had a chat with the boss jimmy.. yesh.. there are hardly and fishes inside...

the previous fishes died and had diseases.. some he managed to catch out and put for sale..the others that didn manage died...

so he caught the fishes while the tank was having a disease outbreak and sold off these fishes?? arrr.... good deal, get disease free with fish... but wait!!....where's zero.cool again to stand up for jimmy? this so called "regular at the shop" who is SO regular he refers to the shop as "MY" shop in some posts? and offers discounts at "MY" shop in other posts? but wait.... he's only a "regular" there? a regular with the authority to give discounts, who knows all his products very well, who in 26 past posts plugs the shop 70%? like I"m some freaking moronic fool without a single bit of sense? along with every single reefer here who wants objective non-biased views on LFS? like other lfs owners here who obediently keep mum about their shops while this dumbass plugs his own shop shamelessly, and in CAPITAL LETTERS? :angry::angry::angry:

zero.cool: I HATE pple who lie to me, I HATE pple who lie for a long long time, I HATE pple who take me for an idiot. any stupid fool with the slightest intelligence to click on your past posts can see for himself almost 70-80% of your posts are plugging Polyart LFS. don't give me bullshit about you being regular customer, oh I saw jimmy today, etc etc crap. you prob freaking see him every day. and oh thanx AT for clearing the bad air nonsense, taking him for an idiot too?

I try to tahan, try not to flame but wah lau to read your posts and see you go on and on and on rambling on like absolutely no remorse at keeping up this pretense I also buay tahan. have you no shame?

well... I don't know about the rest but the way you go about "defending" your shop really leaves a bad taste in my mouth, really makes me wonder if your solitary brain cell realised that when you get caught how badly it would reflect on your shop's reputation and integrity.

As a concerned reefer in SRC, I don't want to see similar imbeciles like you slowly infiltrate the ranks and give biased opinions to ignorant reefers, and also spoil the current system of LFS forum sponsors.

AT: Pardon my flame, but really want to put a stop to idiotic pretenders. Pardon my language too.

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it's like those that is commonly found in the ewer LFS those items the prices will fall... mayb equipment wun fall.. u can compare the price of equipment 1 year ago and now?

the prices of those air driven skimmers drop alot.. the rest only abit.. so dun expect it to drop by alot

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