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Singapore IDol FInal.**unpredictable**


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  • SRC Member

i dunno y ppl in here says taufik has improved a lot... i feel that he has been gd all along... i mean he has improved a little over the competition la but generally he has been gd all along... do u guys noe dat he is spore's 'usher'? :lol: he won this sing/lookalike contest on perfect ten and gt to c usher perform live in the states..

but ironically to me he's only nt so good performance in sg idol is when he sang usher's YEAH! :lol::lol: he also gt his band whois in the local hip/hop fraternity..

oh ya i hate the eyeliner thingy too! :lol:

sylvester also gt his own band b4 sg idol.. i think he'll do damn well in the chinese market no matter wat the results of the final will be.. seriously i dont know why his fans are so crazy bout him... looks? voice? haiz.. and i rili hate the winking while pointing at the camera sequence! damn irritating!

p.s. i do vote a few times for taufik and daphne.. :D

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  • SRC Member

well, its IDOL competition after all... what the record companies are looking out for is someone whose albums can sell. Going by the no. of singers there are around in the market, you'll know that not many have really good voices. Record companies want the whole PACKAGE... not just good voice.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

from what i assume.. there would be MANY 1st time voters out there today and almost ALL of them would be voting for taufik! (me included)

all of their main intention is not for taufik to win but so that sly does not win! :lol:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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  • SRC Member
from what i assume.. there would be MANY 1st time voters out there today and almost ALL of them would be voting for taufik! (me included)

all of their main intention is not for taufik to win but so that sly does not win! :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: haha my mum also 1st timer to vote

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  • SRC Member

i was stingy enough only to vote on the last day itself...

of course i voted for taufik...he was amazing tonight...

i think sly was dragged down by his 1st song...but i must say that he did well for the Jay Chou's song and "I dream"...

but the best person always win...and that MUST BE TAUFIK!!!

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IMHO, the results tonight sums up one thing :


The winner represents Singapore for World Idol and if Sly wins, the world idol judges gonna say that Singaporeans can pronounce properly!!

Taufik has a great voice and honestly I tink he really entertains when he sings! The body language and eye contact... Olinda went out coz I tink her body language very poor and truely very stiff in my opinion...


People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Just for the record, Taufik's 'eyeliner' look is natural apparently. He just has naturally thick lower eyelashes.

I'm glad Taufik won... I hinted to Ken that he could be the winner and he didn't affirm it but neither did he deny. :lol:

Still, I think Sly will be more marketable, perhaps even in Taiwan... who knows?

Remember Clay and Reuben? Who had the mass appeal inspite running in second? :eyebrow:

As for those who felt that MediaCorp milked the show for all that's worth, perhaps you don't really know how much royalties and licensing fees had to be paid for the rights to this show! ;) Not to mention the amount of A&P, airtime & production costs! B)

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  • SRC Member

glad that taufik won!

hope his 5 brides dun harass him too much :lol:

sly did quite ok towards the end lah... but was too late... the first song realli was his killer :fear: then he sang the same Jay Chou song again == no creativity n he practically sounds like he's 'imitating' Jay singing the song, does not have his style at all... :unsure:

therefore, all in all, i tink the 'most improved idol' deserved the win :D

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  • SRC Member

worse, papers are reporting that World Idol has been cancelled... so Taufik's victory is even more hollow now <_<

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

Notice from those past performer that singaporean do not take softrock type ...

Look at tanya .... she started out as a soft rock image ... and there were very few fans ...later she switch to more decent chinese song which gain wider public acceptance.

Taufik deserved to win for this competition but it is very tough for him now with one year contract ... maybe he sing malay song .. there might be some hope ...even with malay song ... do you think the neighbouring country will buy the records ... they have better singer if you watch the malaysia idol. They might as well support their own idol.

I have a colleague whose daughter is working in a local company which produce stars like 5566 etc... their target market are all chinese ....they understand the chinese demands and the taste. Their market covers the entire asia market. They occassionally source for chinese talent who got the look and the voice. This might be one example ... but there might be some other which i might not be awared.

from my perception, to succeed as a singer for local context:

1) Preferably chinese (not being racist but there is where the current biz development)

2) You must have the look ( cute type from the past history)

3) You must be a female (it is easier to market a female than a male singer from the survey)

These are based on chinese market. Maybe the English market is totally different ... just be a good song writer ...some more if it is a male ... either you look damn handsome ( seldom last as some pointed out ) ... or your musical intrucement talent is impressive or ... you are a good song writer ... i think for guys forget about having good voice to succeed .......it is a different ball game altogether.

Most of the english songs dont required you to have good voice .... you just need a unique voice which can built an identity easily with the correct type of songs. Bon jovi ... bryan adams .. rock stewart ... their voice sucks ... but the songs arrangment ....wins hearts all over the world.

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  • SRC Member
Notice from those past performer that singaporean do not take softrock type ...

Look at tanya .... she started out as a soft rock image ... and there were very few fans ...later she switch to more decent chinese song which gain wider public acceptance.

Taufik deserved to win for this competition but it is very tough for him now with one year contract ... maybe he sing malay song .. there might be some hope ...even with malay song ... do you think the neighbouring country will buy the records ... they have better singer if you watch the malaysia idol. They might as well support their own idol.

I have a colleague whose daughter is working in a local company which produce stars like 5566 etc... their target market are all chinese ....they understand the chinese demands and the taste. Their market covers the entire asia market. They occassionally source for chinese talent who got the look and the voice. This might be one example ... but there might be some other which i might not be awared.

from my perception, to succeed as a singer for local context:

1) Preferably chinese (not being racist but there is where the current biz development)

2) You must have the look ( cute type from the past history)

3) You must be a female (it is easier to market a female than a male singer from the survey)

These are based on chinese market. Maybe the English market is totally different ... just be a good song writer ...some more if it is a male ... either you look damn handsome ( seldom last as some pointed out ) ... or your musical intrucement talent is impressive or ... you are a good song writer ... i think for guys forget about having good voice to succeed .......it is a different ball game altogether.

Most of the english songs dont required you to have good voice .... you just need a unique voice which can built an identity easily with the correct type of songs. Bon jovi ... bryan adams .. rock stewart ... their voice sucks ... but the songs arrangment ....wins hearts all over the world.

1) Preferably chinese (not being racist but there is where the current biz development)

The moment U make that statement....its already racist....

Look at the market right now.....does anybody willing to support any local malay artist to sing english songs.....few example like Stephanie Sun, Tanya Chua, Kit Chan...all started out singing english then later switch to chinese......Dick Lee has been in the english scene rather the chinese scene & he make it too.....

For the malay industry we have a lot of talents like Jai....but no local company want to take notice or not even care. Look at Jai when he was with his band KICK!. They had a very strong fan base in S'pore......& U say english in S'pore cannot sell....have U ever tried to listen to those bands that hey sign up like Oddfellows, AWOL.......they suck.....big time....Just try comparing them with some talent across the causeway that sing english songs like TooPhat......they beat our local band hands down....

So its not `cannot sell' but more on the keenes & support...& of corse good song to sing.....

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  • SRC Member

1) Preferably chinese (not being racist but there is where the current biz development)

The moment U make that statement....its already racist....

Look at the market right now.....does anybody willing to support any local malay artist to sing english songs.....few example like Stephanie Sun, Tanya Chua, Kit Chan...all started out singing english then later switch to chinese......Dick Lee has been in the english scene rather the chinese scene & he make it too.....

For the malay industry we have a lot of talents like Jai....but no local company want to take notice or not even care. Look at Jai when he was with his band KICK!. They had a very strong fan base in S'pore......& U say english in S'pore cannot sell....have U ever tried to listen to those bands that hey sign up like Oddfellows, AWOL.......they suck.....big time....Just try comparing them with some talent across the causeway that sing english songs like TooPhat......they beat our local band hands down....

So its not `cannot sell' but more on the keenes & support...& of corse good song to sing.....

The moment U make that statement....its already racist....

Depend how you look at it ;) ... that's why i said the becasue of current biz development ... they are all toward the chinese.

Look at Jai when he was with his band KICK!. They had a very strong fan base in S'pore

who says english songs cannot sell ? I said you must have certain qualities to make it big in english songs. They succeeded becasue this guy wrote his own song "Jane" (if i recalled correctly) - the only number that become popular. He wrote a good song ...which is why he succeed, other of his songs didn't really make it. These are the desired quality to make it big.

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